GoldenNumber.Net explores the appearance of Phi, 1.618 (also known as the Golden Ratio, Golden Mean, Golden Section or Divine Proportion, in mathematics, geometry, life and the universe and shows you how to apply it, and its applications are limitless:
- Art
- Architecture
- Design of any kind – Graphics, logos, products, fashion, web sites and more
- Photo composition, photo cropping matting and framing
- Personal beauty and facial or dental cosmetic procedures to enhance beauty
- Stock market and FOREX analysis
The Golden Section is a ratio based on a the number Phi, 1.618…
The Golden Section or Ratio is is a ratio or proportion defined by the number Phi (= 1.618033988749895… )
It can be derived with a number of geometric constructions, each of which divides a line segment at the unique point where:
the ratio of the whole line (A) to the large segment (B)
is the same as
the ratio of the large segment (B) to the small segment (C).
In other words, A is to B as B is to C.
This occurs only where A is 1.618 … times B and B is 1.618 … times C.
This ratio has been used by mankind for centuries
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The Greeks recognized it as “dividing a line in the extreme and mean ratio” |
The Renaissance artists knew it as the Divine Proportion |
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and used it for beauty and balance in the design of architecture, perhaps as early as the Parthenon |
and used it for beauty and balance in the design of art |
It appears in the design of Notre Dame in Paris
and continues today in many examples of art, architecture and design.
It also appears in the physical proportions of the human body, movements in the stock market and many other aspects of life and the universe.
Dr. Stephen Marquardt has discovered a template for human beauty using the Golden Section, with obvious relevance in the plastic surgery industry. Marquardt’s analysis takes ethnicity into account, and illustrates variations that are are both numerous and subtle.
See the other sections and pages of this site listed above and to the right for a broad sampling of the many appearances and applications of the golden ratio.
This is good stuff – I have been trying to find a good source to educate myself in the concepts of sacred geometry, looks like I have found it!
Get Robert Ludlow’s book “Sacred Geometry”. It’s a brilliant primer and workbook on the subject
there is a scematic of planets set in their pattern & as they revolve, the end pattern is in the form of a flower, same with some sea shells-wish I had the links
Instructive and interesting
love this site
The golden ratio is unique and amazing because I think it is somewhat like a snake biting its own tail which is part of the symbol of world in Taros. Euclid defined this ratio as follows: If we divide a line such that the ratio of the small portion to the large one is equal to the the ratio of the large portion to the whole line. I think it is like the snake and it represents the harmony and beauty of the multiverse which has no origin and ends.
i’m still don’t get it. why A : B = B : C? please help~
A : B=B : C simply means that the ratio of length A (the entire line) to that of B (the longer segment) is the same ratio as that of length B to that of C (the shorter segment). It expresses mathematically the one and only way to divide a line so that its sections are in the same ratio to one another. The dividing point occurs at 0.618… of the line’s length, the reciprocal of 1.618… This results in ratios of A to B of 1.618:1 and B to C of 1.618:1 By contrast, if you cut a line in half, the ratio of the entire length to the sectioned pieces is 2:1 while the ratio of the pieces are 1:1. Cut it in thirds and the ratio A to B is 3:2 and B to C is 2:1. Only the golden ratio pf 1.618 results in the same ratio for all the segments.
thanks 🙂
so, x=2/3=0.66666… why 0.618?
0.618…yes, right!
Your solution is not correct. If x=(1-x)/x and you set x=2/3 then you’re formula is saying:
2/3 = (1-2/3)/(2/3), so
2/3 = (1/3)/(2/3), and
2/3 = 1/2, which is of course not true.
Thank you for this comment I didn’t get it at first but I understand now!
very informational and understandable
very instructive and easy to understand
Did you know the golden section proportions are found in the Holy Bible?? The old testament fits into the large section and the new testament fits into the smaller section. That’s how you know the Holy Bible was divinely inspired by God, and is the truth to all the universe.
If you need further proof, just divide 66 (the number of books in the bible) by 1.618 (the Golden ratio number) and you get (40.7) The book of Matthew… exactly where the Bible divides in two.
Furthermore, the complete sum of one Golden section box equals 33. The complete sum of Jesus at the age he died was 33! Two golden spirals added up equals 66. The bible has 66 books. The Bible is actually the DNA of God in words.
Where did you find this out?
yeah i googled it and when nothing came up on the world wide web…???
I tested it, and it works. Why don’t more people know about this?
Because pulling a bunch of numbers out of a hat doesn’t prove anything.
Jesus did’t actually die, so be careful
Yes, crucified and resurrected would be more accurate.
He’s constantly dying and resurrecting, just like Mary is eternally Virginal… *chuckles*.
Ps. All things sacred are inspired by God.
Ps. II Don’t be a literalist when dealing with a literalist – makes you a literalist just like them…
What do you mean by the sum of one Golden Section Box equals 33?
This is the best golden section/ratio explanation
the golden section is great art
so right about god hes the ruler of all
does anyone know if golden ratio has been used for making clothes? any bibliography for golden ratio and fashion? or a fashion designer who has inspired of this ratio for his collections? or even about sacred geometry and fashion… thank you
Yes, quite often, and there are many articles on this:
As to a fashion designer inspired, I’m sure there are many but one story that comes to mind is that of the “Phi Collection” created by Susan Dell, wife of Dell Computer’s Michael Dell. More of a fashion success than a financial success, but still the inspiration:
i love the content of the website, it has taught me a lot about the golden ratio and its relevance in life and various aspects in our lives. although i fail to understand the basic idea or the basis of phi and why is it prevalent everywhere, why does nature structure itself with phi and why does this whole universe follow phi, is there an interconnection or a just a miracle???
I learnt alot today
Actually really needed this for research
Good knowledge
learning about my family
I applied the diagonal from the golden section ratio to Angkor Wat in plan and some elevations and it was freeky how it all laid out perfectly.
So, I am a painter and still trying to figure out the Golden Ratio on my canvas. I am wondering if anyone can give me some quick advice as to how to lay my composition out. I want to start with a point of interest.
I’d recommend checking out my tutorials and videos at for ideas on how to apply the golden ratio to art and design projects. In particular see:
You can apply the golden ratio within the proportions of the components of your composition, and even in the sizing of the matte. See how other artists have applied it here:
Hope that helps!
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