Golden ratio relationships appear in the Name of G-d in the Hebrew Bible.
In Gematria, the most holy name of God, referred to as the Tetragrammaton, embodies some very interesting Golden Ratio relationships.
Gematria is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase. It is likely that the term derives from the order of the Greek alphabet, gamma being the third letter of the Greek alphabet (gamma + tria) or from Greek geōmetriā, “geometry.” Although apparently derived from Greek, it is largely used in Jewish texts, most notably in those associated with the Kabbalah, a set of teachings meant to explain the relationship between an eternal and mysterious Creator and the mortal and finite universe (His creation).
The Tetragrammaton, meaning “[a word] having four letters”, refers to the name of the God of Israel as YHWH (Hebrew: י-ה-ו-ה) that appears 6,828 times the Hebrew Bible, the first of which is in Genesis 2:4, which says, “4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created.
When the Lord God made the earth and the heavens–.” The letters, properly read from right to left, are:
Hebrew | Letter name | Phonetic Sound |
י | Yud | “Y” |
ה | Hey | “H” |
ו | Vov | “V” |
ה | Hey | “H” |
These four letters are usually transliterated from Hebrew as IHVH in Latin, JHWH in German, French and Dutch, and JHVH/YHWH in English. This has been variously rendered as “Yahweh” or as “Jehovah”, based on the Latin form of the term, while the Hebrew text does not clearly indicate the omitted vowels. In English translations, it is often rendered as “the Lord”, following Jewish tradition which reads the word as “Adonai” (“Lord”) out of respect for the name of God and the interpretation of the commandment not to take the name of God in vain.
The Connection to Phi and the Golden Ratio
The gematria values of the four letters in the Tetragrammaton (Yud – Hey – Vov – Hey) are 10, 5, 6 and 5. This indicates the importance of the number 5 in this Holiest Name of God. Yud has a gematria value of 10. Vov has a gematria value of 6, which creates various ratios within this name of God:
Hebrew Letters | Ratio | Decimal | ||
Yud / Vov | = | 10 / 6 | = | 1.666 |
Vov / Yud | = | 6 / 10 | = | 0.600 |
(Yud + Vov) / ( Hey + Hey) | = | 16 / 10 | = | 1.600 |
( Hey + Hey) / (Yud + Vov) | = | 10 / 16 | = | 0.625 |
As Phi and it’s reciprocal phi are 1.618 and 0.618, respectively, we see that this Holy Name of God intrinsically represents a set of ratios that reflect the golden ratio, or the Divine proportion, that we see all throughout His creation.
The Hebrew word for “when they were created” is BeHebaram. This word can be divided to also say “With ‘Hey’ were they created”, which suggests the importance of the number five in the creation of mankind.
The Hebrew Bible says that The Holy One created man “in the image” of G-d. The Hebrew word “in the image” is made up of 4 letters – Bet, Tsadi, Lamed, and Mem.
Hebrew Letters | Value |
Bet | 2 |
Tsadi | 90 |
Lamed | 30 |
Mem | 40 |
Total | 162 |
This too creates a close representation of Phi at 1.62 to three decimal places.
Thanks to Yosi Spater for his contribution of the golden ratio relationships in the Tetragrammaton and Jewish scriptures about creation, and to Wikipedia for other information on this page..
Excelente información esto confirma la belleza del Nombre Divino YHWH /Jehová
Shalom. This is a wonderful site.
Cursorily, “btselem” uses a mem-sofit (final mem), whose value is 600, giving a total (head calculating, which could be off) of 722.
There are a couple trusted excellent texts on this type of gematria. R’Yitzhack Ginsburgh’s books on hebrew aleph-beth (, and acceptable amongst the most orthodox of traditionalist Jewish kabbalists and Carlo Suare’s “The Qabala Trilogy” (the 3 books detail “Genesis”/Bereshith, Song of Songs/Shir haShirim, & the ever elusive Sefer Yetsira). As the spelling signifies his works are of a more wesoteric (western hermetical) vein and thus not officially accepted amongst mekabulim, yet they provide insights the Ruach haKodesh seems to have whispered through him.
I will be visiting this site frequently during my studies. I’m surprised it just came to my attention during my long journey but that’s how it goes in this wonderful travel towards the ever-receding horizon for truth and light.
Thank you again.
Kol tuv,
R’Don Lively
In the scriptures God told Moses his name was
אֶהְיֶה אֲשֶׁר אֶהְיֶה
Ehyeh asher ehyeh
which literally translates as “I Will Be What I Will Be..referred more commonly as “I AM That I AM” or the Tetragrammaton YHWH…(YaHWeH) the name so revered by the Israelite s they did not say it.
The Hebrew letters for Gods name sum to 543.Mirrored numbers (numbers in reverse order) are very significant .In this case the mirror of 543 is Moses (מֹשֶׁה)name which sums to 345
add together :
What is the significance of this?In Greek Jesus (Iesous)is Ἰησοῦς and christ(christos) is Χριστός .
The letters of Ἰησοῦς sum to 888
The letters of Χριστός sum to 1480
3:4:5 is the Pythagorean right triangle :
In relationship to the Fn and Phi.
which is the same as
It is not a coincidence that in Revelation 14:1 one verse after Revelation 13:18(there were no chapter breaks in the scripture) that the number of the beast and man(the beast of man) is 666 (Fn3/Fn4 …2/3=.666 also)and the number of the 1st fruits is 144 thousand.The number thousand in this case means Phi/phi which Phi/phi in the Greek alphabet(which happens to be the 21st letter =Fn8) is 500..Phi500+phi500=1,000)…..
this is where Phi/phi stabilizes at 618 for infinity.
Gods fingerprint is on everything and hidden in plain sight.
I wanted to ad to this
Hebrew Letters Value
Bet 2
Tsadi 90
Lamed 30
Mem 40
Total 162
This too creates a close representation of Phi at 1.62 to three decimal places.
162 is significant in that is “sums”exactly to Phi through other methods
162 sine= 0.309016994374948
so does but neg
612cosine= -0.309016994374948
198sine= -0.309016994374948
918sine= -0.309016994374948
0.309016994374948 x2=0.618,033,988,749,895 phi
..and here’s just a plain weird “non coincidences”
162 inverse is 261
9-18 is the 261st day of the year
notice all 4 numbers are divisible by 9… 162 being unique in that squaring and cubing 162 and dividing by 9 reduces to
the reduction sums
Hi where did you get the: 89/144=0.618,055,555,555,…..=phi I’m not a math savant I just know that 89 is a very important number.
I just stumbled across 89 hidden in Pi.
89 is a very significant number as you know as it is the 11th number in the fib sequence.
However this is very interesting….
3. 14159 26 53589 (79 32 38) 46 26 43 (38 32 79)
I found a strange anomaly.
If you add the middle numbers
but if you take them in two chunks of three numbers
Strange huh!
Before this pattern,
there are 5 digits before the 26
and 5 digits after the 26 before the mirrored pattern and the weird digits between the other 26.
In the middle there is the 26 on the left and right side is 46 and 43. 46+43= 89
now look to the left of the mirrored pattern and lo and behold there is an 89.
Pi is not random i’ve found a lot of strange patterns in PI.
Add the repeating digits between the 26 and they= 149
149= Gematria for King of Nations
89 is interesting as well it is the 11th number in the fibonacci sequence and another strange anomaly occurs:
Take the numbers in the fibonacci sequence and shift with a zero as you go along and you end up with this fraction.
.01123595505618… = 1/89
26 is well known for being the Gematria of YHVH. YHVH (Yod, Hey, Vav, Hey) is 10+5+6+5 = 26.
Numbers & HUMANS
1 4 c their sacrifices in vain!
No loving IN SACRIFICE !
giving that what is “not” theirs to Give.
Giving the names a number
( symbol ) is giving.
Q: is It’ a Binary U N I verse ?
A: NO !
3 types of people
1: Good
2: Bad
3: Choosing between 1 / 2 / neither here nor there!
I am amazed at the grasp you and other responders to this web site have on mathematics.. Hard for a high school dropout to keep up.. The information supplied on this site has helped me to understand the book I am writing.. Expect it to be published soon. Where are you to be found on the internet now? I would like to see some more of your work. My book should give all of you something to chew on for awhile. I am sure that once published you may want to contact me. This has all been a tremendous blessing to me.
W. E. A.
My reply was directed to Rex says.
If someone here’s seriously into Gematria, give some attention to Trigrammaton, it will blow your mind and make things clearer, about what’s going on in this place and how this task we call life works.
What is the trigrammatron and its relation to Gematria
This web site is waking up my sleepy brain. I will continue to mine this wonderful trove. Thankyou. Carol
By Pythagoras solution of triangle with sides 1 and 2 is root 5, The =/- solution of root 5 is 2.236 ie 1..618 +.618 . Times 1000 (another of God’s names) gives you 2236, which is the sum of the gematria of YHVH 26, the tetragrammaton and Elohim 86 (God’s name) . 26×86=2236.
235,253, 325, 352, 523, 532 and total 2220
2220 John the Baptist
Please how will Yahweh Saboath be calculated
“Tetragrammaton (Yud – Hey – Vov – Hey) are 10, 5, 6 and 5”
105 / 65 = 1.615384……. 65/105=0.619047619…..
YH/VH = phi!
All you wrote has no sense and is totally wrong. you are applying the tetragrammaton with gematria, a philosophy created by human, YHWH plan to confound. is not behind Gematria the hidden message of the tetragrammaton, the hidden message is behind the Square Script.
Wow! Amazing btw I hope you also believe in God too!
Just stopped by to see what other minds are digging up!
So I figured that I would drop some awesome little tidbits I have discovered in thanks for sharing your information in kind.
I’m an Orthodox Jew/I live on awesome website that also has a lot of great mathmatical information in regards to Gematria and the Hebrew Language as math. If you have time for lectures Rabbi Kraft on youtube has a video called The DNA of creation which talks about how Hebrew is like Chemical and DNA languages and discusses a lot of the deeper intrinsic meanings of some of the most important words in the language just to get your taste of it.
If you’re a x-tian I suggest uyou check out Jim Staley’s Aleph-Bet lessons he covers every letter amazingly well for a Non-Jew.
Just watched the 1998 film Pi it’s about Kabbalah. The whole movie is more code heavy than the Matrix and ten times better because you can see Kabbalah’s effect on daily life at this lower level as well as learn a few very interesting facys about the Torah that will make you want to learn a little more about it as more than just prayers and stories. This is where the Torah proves that it is a scientific and calculated pattern, a “seed code” for all of reality.
The best Rabbi for this Is Yoseph Mizrachi he has a few big films out, Torah and Science, and the Purpose of Life. Check this out to blow your mind. He will prove it is impossible for the Torah not to be true, to you “other” religions who use the “old testament” in your religion this is important to you too, check it out. All science all Math all !ruth , Shema N’Olam!! Not just Israel, Hear me hidden sparks in every person, I am speaking to the one inside you hidden away, you know this: Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad. Amen.
Why x-tian, not Christian?
Thank you all, I feel that I’m coming in the side door. I used the golden ratio on my last painting. It worked out so well that I decided to use it on a large piece I’m working on now-I’m finding that the more I delve, the more divine the meaning. The working title of my painting is Phi.
Hi Gary!
I explored something similar with YHVH and found that through the first 6 sequences of the Fibonacci sequence 1565 is calculated!
I WILL Be What I Will Be the Golden Relationship of Harmony ,Incarnation Heavenly, Welcome Rest of Eternity, I Am Your Shield and Exceeding Great Reward …….. I Am the Root and Offspring of David , The Bright and Morning Star …
To Exchange both our life and death for His… Image (Formation) in us…I Am the Resurrection and the Life (Enabling Spirit)
He that trust ( believes/ obeys) in Me Though he were dead yet shall he live and whosoever lives and believes in Me shall never die …
None can boast for all good is born from Him… in Whom we may boast,.. I Will Be What I Will Be Magnified Exponentially Isaiah 9:6,7 Galatians 2:20 in My Forever Family
For OF Him and Through Him and To Him are all things, to Whom Be Glory (Us in Him) Forever. Amen Daniel 12:3
Thus the Completion of Genesis 1:26 and beginning of Revelation 3:21 The mirror Image of His Son
I Am That brings into Being The multifaceted Sons I Am radiating thru every One …
Isaiah 40:31 To exchange, our mere strength, (weakness) with His strength ,not by our Might or Power but by His Spirit joined to ours,Exodus 3:14 Jeremiah 31:31-34 Tutoring His offspring into Mind Will and Purpose of the Father ,His Inheritance ! He will forgive and He will make new covenant and He will spiritually change our hearts by enlightening our understanding to His Law which was given due to lack of Humility to Reveal our spiritual blindness as in Moses’s command of the Golden Rule* of our Response to His Ability maturing in humility Isaiah 57:15 The place of His Rest Isaiah 66:1,2 * for is not all the Law summed up in that one word Thou shall love thy neighbor as thyself …I Am That I Am …
Someone wrote No man could tell me where my soul might be , I sought for God but he eluded me, I sought my brother out and found all three …
I Am my beloved’s , and His desire is toward me SOS 7:10
The arc had two Fibonacci rectangles 2.5:1.5:1.5 (x2= 5:3:3). Fibonacci rectangles increasingly approximate the golden rectangle, and phi. Above the mercy seat of the arc was where God said that He would commune with man, and so that is where He first caused His name to be placed, by the communion of the Word. The altar was foursquare, and had four Fibonacci rectangles for sides, of twice the proportions of the arc, 5:5:3. That’s a total of six Fibonacci rectangles of the proportions of 3:5. There was one further Fibonacci rectangle formed by the dimensions of Aaron’s breastplate of judgement. It was foursquare doubled, 1:2. This is the first Fibonacci rectangle of the series, and it is the seventh one listed in scripture concerning the tabernacle. The number seven is significant. This also illustrates God’s knowledge of the proportions of the golden rectangle being used in His creation, as a man’s torso conforms to this dimension. This was like Aaron’s breast, when a square is added below the breastplate.
It’s a little hard to build on what I wrote when the edit button is only on one side, but thanks anyway. So, in further calculating the numbers, we find that the furnishings of the tabernacle as given in Ex 25 and 27 describe four articles, three of which are cubic, and one is rectilinear, and they are all constructed from the proportions of the first four Fibonacci rectangles, which are 1:1 1:2 2:3 and 3:5. The first one is square, but is still a part of the rectangular sequence. Two of the sides of the table for showbread was constructed somewhat differently from the others, in that they were twice the width of a 2:3 FnR, at (4:3)/2=2:1.5. There were also two moldings on the table. As Jesus is the bread of Life, the table of showbread was constructed to reflect His first and second coming as Savior then Lord. The relevance of the use of the first four FnRs is by comparison to the process of progressive salvation.
(1) The common salvation, by which we become a member of The Faithful, 1:1.
(2) The salvation from God’s wrath, by which we become a member of The Called, 1:2.
(3) The salvation of the soul, by which we become a member of The Chosen, 2:3.
(4) The salvation of the rock, by which we become a member of The Accepted, 3:5.
The use of the Golden rectangle and Phi for the purpose of revealing God’s progressive work towards the perfection of the spirit body in man, by the progressively more accurate approximation of Phi in the FnR sequence, is reflected in the spiritual reality of the New Testament concept of being spiritually clothed, and being further clothed, 2Cor5:1-4. I hope that you find this to be of significance, and are blessed with some understanding.
Be understanding.
This was so interesting to me Thank you so much , god bless
I love your work Gary. I know you already know this, but you’re brilliant. Much more intelligent than me. I’m just lucky. Your blog helped me to understand a lot of the questions that were burning at me. Remember when I messaged you about the broken mirror? Probably not, but that had me thinking so much for so long.
Besides that, this research that you are doing is beneficial for the medical field, I’m sure. If only they would listen though.
I firmly believe that with time people will come to understand this.
Oh, I originally came to comment here because I wanted to share my father’s experience. Really silly and simple it is. 15-20 years ago he was in his house alone and a toothpaste began to stand up on its end. He said the name Jehovah and the toothpaste slowly went down.
I included my Instagram because I’m going to post art there. Reworkings of faces with the golden ratio applied to an extent. (Not completely because variety is the spice of life)
No, no, of course, it is. It is. Here I am trying to convince myself.
Hi Sarah. Thank you for the compliment. Glad I could help. Yes, you wrote in April but I’m not finding a record of receiving your further proofs. Please resend on the Contact page at Thanks for sharing your Instagram link. Re application of the golden ratio to faces, you’re correct that there is variation in faces and not all faces exactly match the facial markers that commonly exhibit golden ratio proportions. See for details. My latest research, which so far only appears in my book (, confirms that statistically averaged human faces conform to golden ratio proportions. You can still have variation even when applying golden ratios to the primary facial markers, just as you can have an infinite variety of music by using only the 12 notes of the musical scale.
A huge thank you to you all that took your knowledge and time to help explain these beautiful hidden in plain sight mysteries. I feel I have just began my journey into deeper understanding of the holy scriptures, thank you to all!!
Jesus is Lord. that is my maths.
Agree! All of this is wonderfully interesting, but “Jesus is Lord” is the baseline
And the Lord IS God!
If the Lord is God (Joel)
and Jesus is Lord, (Corey)
then according to your reasoning / math
Jesus = God ?
Wasn’t Jesus the son of God?
the Son of God ≠ God
Hello Zahem. Your logic has some merit, but your theology and understanding of Christian belief is incorrect.
In the book of Exodus, God appeared to Moses in a burning bush, but the flame was not all that God is. This is a theophany, a manifestation of God in the Bible that is tangible to the human senses. In Jesus, God also appeared to us, in a way that we could best understand, in human form. Why could not, and would not, our Creator do that for us?
Of the twelve disciples of Jesus, John was the one who most understand His spiritual nature. Consider what John wrote in the first book of John:
John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
John 1:14 The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth.
John 1:18 No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known.
To understand spiritual matters, we need to see things through the Spirit, not through the eyes of humans. The “Son of God” and “Son of Man,” as Jesus is called, is a spiritual expression of His deity and humanness, not a direct analogy to human biological concepts.
I highly recommend reading the entire Gospel of John to get a much deeper understanding of what Jesus taught and did to reveal the true nature of God. You can read it here online:
I also recommend getting a study bible version, such as the Life Application Study Bible, as it has footnotes that explain the historical, cultural and theological context of the scripture. This is available in digital format here:
Our God surpasses human understanding, so we cannot apply human logic if we want to truly understand and know Him.
Praise be unto Him, and may His blessings be unto you.
The Father is not the son, the son is not the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit is not the Father, but all 3 equal God! 3 in one! Whole and complete. 3 is Gods fav number right up there with 7!
The Wisdom behind and or in Gods Word is astonishing, incomprehensible, inerrant and illuminating. Shalom
So it’s straight forward once clearly explained and incredibly rich in thought
Like music and nature we agree that mathematics can encompass the engineering magnitude of our creator So WHY make it so hidden , so non mainstream , why say that only the select few should enjoy this incredible insight !
I agree, however we have a large segment of the population that are mathematically illiterate. It is a shame that they miss out on the many things that God reveals in numbers. You might find a new book “The Bar Code Puzzle” very interesting.
I think it’s because He wants people to search for Him! 😉 He loves it when we search Him out! Wouldn’t you get a smile out of your creations searching you out? Just a thought! 🙂
That’s correct is alot secrets in humanity but you need to put your soul n body together be one that’s when everything start to make sense kabala,alquemi,numerology,also tetragramaton that’s the name of Enoch. When he become one of the favor ones of God numbers,letters,pictures, is also signs out there but not for everyone only the blessing ones can figure it out Bible is a puzzle a book of Life ? put pieces together n find the answer
The Hebrew letter “V” is not “vav” is is “U” as “uau” therefore Y-Eh-U-Eh, “Yehueh.” Even in our age, the “V” in Latin words is our “U” and is pronounced “oo” as in goose.