Time in Quantum Physics may be related to Phi. The Golden Ratio seems to be appearing in several places in the Quantum Physics Model. Because an electron has an electric charge and an intrinsic rotational motion, or spin, it behaves in some respects like a small bar magnet and is said to have a magnetic moment. Because the electron also has mass, it behaves in some respects like a spinning top, and is said to have spin angular momentum.
The g factor of the electron is defined as the ratio of its magnetic moment to its spin angular momentum. The electron g-factor is due to the stretching of space-time as the electron spins at the speed of light.
Mathematically, the electron g-factor is approximately:
gfactore = -2 / sin (Ø)
and the proton g-factor is approximately:
gfactorp = 2Ø / sin (1/Ø)
Thus it appears that the Golden Ratio, or Phi, is a constant produced by time.
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) states these gfactor constants as per the table below.
gfactor electron | gfactor proton | |
Phi-based | -2.0022334732293 | 5.5848781529840 |
Per NIST | -2.0023193043718 | 5.5856947010000 |
Variance | -0.004287% | -0.014619% |
While the phi-based approach is not exactly equal to the NIST constant, with quantum level constants, there will always be a difference between theoretical work and empirical work. This can be due to the irregularities in the metal of the test equipment, stray background radiations, or a host of other minute causes. The results of any empirical measurement always show some degree of statistical spread as a consequence.
Such constants are adjusted as new measuring techniques and better materials become available. So any theoretical value that is within one part in a thousand has scientific value. Even if the degree of accuracy of a constant is believed to be accurate to within one part in a billion this is true. The accuracy of one part in a billion could mean that a stable condition for a specific experiment configuration has been achieved, but that particular configuration could still be influencing the measurement to a small degree.
Insights on this page were contributed by David W. Thomson of the Quantum AetherDynamics Institute and are explored in more depth at his page athttp://www.16pi2.com/gfactor.htm.
by this phi then could be the amt of dicrepetncy
between color on a wheel and the chroma color
that reflects in it using blue as 0 and green and the color wheel
as five points phi would be the color that is imaged out
this could be usefull most if everything was in black and white
using black as 0,0,0 and the chroma as Nm of natural light
thru a polypropelne screen
AWESOME, and I rarely use the word.
Could the variance apart from phi be a mathematical expression of the distance from the big bang in time and/or distance such that we could use it for calculations?
It sounds more like a result of the Uncertainty Principle than a meaningful discrepancy.
time has only a mathematical existence
There is no mathematics law of the universe. Although Fibonacci is prevalent in the universe. Time exists without us.
I see that Amrit’s statement was based on information from the American Journal of Modern Physics. Please provide the basis for your statement that there is no “mathematics law” of the Universe, or a better explanation of what you mean. I fear that Einstein and a bunch of physicists are going to be disappointed to hear this news.
“The most incomprehensible thing about the world is that it is comprehensible.” -Einstein
I am convinced the laws of physics like gravitation, quantum mechanics are linked deeplyly to fib sequence. Lots of interesting physics is awaiting.
free space impedance is really given by: (12*PHI)^2 Ohms where PHI=(sqrt(5)+1)/2.
i find this to be true & it changed my life! i discovered the phi sequence in time while speculating price charts (im an options trader). i witness that price moves in the phi sequence…not only along the x-axis (price), but also along the y axis (time)….at 1st i was skeptical, but then i built a profitable strategy around it where im able to time the movement and direction of price to the t. It’s spooky, but it makes since…..so why over-complicate it. Life feels like a video game now….where i can honestly time anything.
Phi is the rate of curvature change, closely related to internal black hole and ‘elementary’ particles geometry, and as such is reflected in other macroscopic phenomena.
e is better than phi
no transcendental number is better than another
It may all depend on what you’re going to use it for! e isn’t much help in the design arts.
phi isn’t transcendental, since it can be expressed as a solution to a polynomial composed only of integers (x^2-x-1=0)
Could it be that all interactions occur in cycles of both the positive and negative results of phi, the occasional offset being whole number interactions. This would suggest the only times we can measure any data are during interactions, the rest is gravity.
The Golden Mean in Quantum Mechanics and High Energy Physics
3 Apr 2010 – The Golden Ratio by Mario Livio is essentially an examination of one of the most remarkable numbers to be discovered as a pretext for ultimately exploring the question why do mathematics work so well. The golden ratio, known from the time of the ancient Greeks, is a pretty simple concept: take a line
Golden Mean Wins Chemistry Nobel Prize
7 Nov 2011 – Quasicrystal structure based on the golden mean won Daniel Shechtman the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry; Dr. Mae-Wan Ho finds out why it is a thing of … Paul J. Steinhardt, professor of physics at Princeton University, New Jersey, in the United States defines quasicrytals more precisely as quasiperiodic …
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PHI – is also essential to Time in biology. The way that genes and cells interact to create our circadian rhythm, the master clock in the body. All of the biological processes that are connected to time. Minutes, hours, days, weeks, months; Cycles. Working on the mathematical proofs still – which involve the circle method and additive math. It’s quite fascinating – but not sure if the scientific community has explored this yet.
Fib sequence in Mod 9 contains a 24-period pattern. Split the pattern into two sets of 12 and arrange them one above the other – each column sums to 9. Or, place the pattern around a circle in fifteen degree increments. Each 180 degree pair sums 9.
Fib sequence also contains a 60-period pattern, wherein the last digit of each set of 72 Fib numbers, beginning with the first, repeats.
Notice any familiar numbers? Fib numbers become close approximation of Phi the longer the sequence runs.
Exist also reverse Fibonacci sequence and reverse Fibonacci ratio wich could be discovered in quanum physics.