What if the belief that the golden ratio is a foundational building block of the universe turned out to be true? Long thought to be the fodder of mystics and cranks, it now appears that once was thought to be myth may in fact be at the center of the math that defines reality as we know it.
Quantum Gravity Research (QGR) is a research organization which states its mission as:
“QGR’s mission is to discover the geometric first-principles unification of space, time, matter, energy, information and consciousness. Our team of physicists, mathematicians and chemists are hard at work on what we call “emergence theory,” a new quantum gravity theory (or “Theory of Everything”) that unifies space, time, energy, matter, information and consciousness.“
QGR produced a 2017 YouTube Video titled “What is Reality?” that explains how the golden ratio plays a significant part in this.
At the 20:42 mark of the video, this is explained, saying:
The golden ratio may be the fundamental constant of nature. It is a ratio that is fundamental to circumscribed equilateral triangles and it’s weirdly ubiquitous, appearing everywhere from quantum to celestial scales. Ever so interestingly, it appears in black holes.“
The golden ratio is the precise point where a black hole’s modified specific heat changes from positive to negative:“
M4 / J2 = Φ
It is part of the equation for the lower bound on black hole entropy:“
8πSl2P / ekA = Φ
The golden ratio even relates the loop quantum gravity parameter to black hole entropy:”
2πγ = Φ
Why does this support the claim that the golden ratio is the fundamental constant of nature? Because a theory of everything must unite general relativity with quantum mechanics, and a black hole is where these two theories converge at their limits.”
In matrix mathematics, the highest probability non-trivial eigenvalues that show up in binary matrices are Φ and -1/Φ!“
So we now see a deep root between black holes and quantum mechanics because the golden ratio appears deeply in both black hole physics and in quantum mechanics.”
The golden ratio appears to startling accuracies in many other ways throughout the universe in scales both large and small. It is so prevalent that its existence simply cannot be looked at as coincidental.”
In the past the appearance of this ratio has usually been ignored by scientists because they had no way to explain it, so interest in it was considered the stuff of amateur scientists. But now, for the first time, a rigorous quantum gravity is being developed which predicts the golden ratio’s existence is literally everywhere.”
As someone who has researched and written about the golden ratio for decades, I have to say that this is more than even I expected. As this site at www.goldennumber.net has grown, my research and articles have shown it to appear in the following areas:
- Life, from the proportions of the DNA spiral to those that define the human face.
- Beauty, including human perceptions of beauty in the human face and in the aesthetics of harmony and innate natural appeal in any of the design arts, from ancient architecture to modern day logos.
- Mathematics, including many ways that it can be derived.
- Geometry, including many fascinating ways that it is found in a variety of geometric constructions.
- Cosmology and physics, including appearances in the solar system and even in the relative proportions of the Earth and Moon.
- Financial market price and timing trends, and gaming strategy.
The proposition by QGR that it is “so prevalent that its existence simply cannot be looked at as coincidental” is not surprising, but is certainly fascinating and validating.
This perhaps explains why it has captivated some of the greatest minds and best artists in history, including Plato, Euclid, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo, Johannes Kepler, Georges Seurat, Le Corbusier and more.
I’d like to thank QGR for their work and discoveries in this area, and recognize and thank Scott Beach, an independent researcher and long time contributor to this site, for bringing the video by QGR to my attention.
looks like klee doesn’t remember our chats- our scientific publications – how golden ratio /fractality electrically CAUSES gravity
are well known- also our tech makes gravity
Time n space will be the* Earth dream* to start over again n do things the right way change the weather ,go thru different dimensions is just a formula which is nature,sun,moon,faith,believe,
Brutal putting this together, implosion as you call it…..the whole Excersice ( creation) seems then to radically change for me after going through it.
The relation between Electron Proton is moving a lot of information and “surprise” ( lets call it),
I never catch the implosion as today going through the doc. Almost metaphysical.
It appears a “will” to “try”, to move.
Inside a Second observer, which decides to autocolapse itself… becoming proton, and letting electron continue the conversation…
After consecutive common sense logic… Neutron is a creation of “the equilibrium of the second observer” ( universe, converted in proton) , impecable logic consequence to allow the electron the capability of measuring itself interacting with other electrons….
H to He, and the impeccable neutron….base of Gravity and I would say conciousness..
Tapping into this ammount of energy, implies change, transformation ….
Implicitly it is the origin of 2 realms, that at different speeds, entangle to each other.
Probably what MJ describes as dimensions… just different speeds to digest the same information.
Thanks for sharing. Superb.
Two fundamental numbers pi and phi = 0.6180339887 are connected with the architecture of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Its in-sphere volume to polyhedron volume is pi * fifth power of phi.
The fifth power of phi, on the other hand, describes phase transitions from microscopic to cosmic scale.
Thanks! See also my article on pi and phi in the Great Pyramid at https://www.goldennumber.net/phi-pi-great-pyramid-egypt/.
I arrived at very nearly the same conclusion via a Biblical route about 15 years ago. Matthew 16:18 is already a pivotal verse that describes the origin of the church and matches phi numerically to boot. It describes how Simon is renamed to Peter, a word which had never before been used as a man’s name. That word begins with the 16th letter of the alphabet and ends with the 18th. If you overlay the English alphabet over the popular AB-BC-AC phi construction diagram, you will see that the letter P occurs in a position that describes the phi formation. In a very similar sense, the Egyptians used pi and phi together to build the Great Pyramid in a way that allowed them describe the Earth with flat planes in a way that could only be done with two such irrational numbers. To them, pi and phi were akin to a greatly simplified statement of life-force. There are a number of alpha-numeric-symbolic precedents in the Old Testament and Hebrew language that give this “process” added validity, but the core lesson is that God is/was numerical and mathematical and that religion and science aren’t the enemies that many think they are. Our universe was “designed” …no question about it!
I am fascinated by this subject. Thank your for considering a reply. Could Phi be the mark of the beast ? Because I found the trident Phi in the mRNA gene sequence it replaced the U and it is allowing the vaccine to get around the immune system and if someone way smarter than me could tell the world that would be cool.
You are right in pointing out that the Golden Ratio is a fundamental number of the physical world. However, I disagree with the statement that the Black hole is Quantum field theory (QFT) and General Relativity (GR) combine. In fact, in the interior of black, holes GR collapses completely. Moreover, it is well accepted that the unification attempts between QFT and GR are no more than a theoretical playground, with none of the proposed theories capable of producing testable predictions, and more importantly, of answering the big questions of cosmology: Dark matter and Dark energy.
I invite you to look at my Information Relativity theory and see how it solves the above-mentioned mysteries. As for the Golden Ratio: it emerges in the theory mathematically, without any assumptions. At cosmological scales, the theory predicts that maximal energy density in the universe is achieved at redshift equaling φ +1, where φ =(√5-1)/2≈ 0.618. At quantum scales the theory shows that matter undergoes a critical quantum transition at velocity β = φ. In both cases the maximal energy density is proportional to φ^5 ≈ 0.09016994, which equals to the eighth decimal digit, Hardy’s maximum probability of obtaining an event that contradicts local realism.
Those who are interested to see how a theory of everything looks like are welcome to browse in the following paper:
Suleiman, R. Unity instead of unification: A local-realistic alternative to quantum gravity
May 2020
DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.22679.60329
Good day to you, I also have found anomalies in the standard model that need correcting. Regarding black holes, the entropy equation (Bekenstein-Hawking) is incorrect because it uses the Schwarzschild radius relation, which is also incorrect and not a radius. Also the equation uses Planck length, and all Planck units (but not the Planck constant, h) are incorrect (mathematically and upon running with energy).
There are many parameters explained by phi and pi ratios, which appear in my first paper. Recent and current work shows the theory now is invariant under 7 systems of analysis simultaneously. This is more robust by some orders of magnitude than the standard model. Hopefully I can get the latest paper published this year some time.
Don’t worry about the knock-backs from sheeple who can’t venture to think beyond the dogma of the day – history only remembers the few that make major break-throughs in physics.
Good luck on your journey of truth!
regards, Terry
Speed of light definition – a fundamental physical constant that is the speed at which electromagnetic radiation propagates in a vacuum and that has a value fixed by international convention of 299,792,458 meters per second — symbol c. (Merriam-Webster)
“Speed of Light” c =????????? meters / second
(adopted international standard)
“Speed of Light (on Earth)” c =??^(?∕?^? ) × ??^(????∕??????????)
(Sankhya axiomatically derived)
where the Universal constant C_Sankhya=C=〖10〗^(2∕x^3 )=296575967 is the axiomatic count rate of interactions per cycle between the eternal, unobservable, quantum continuum of dynamic components comprising substantial space following universal, dimensionless, self-similar and scale invariant rules of interaction,
and where 1 + x = 1 ∕ x = 1.6180334, that is sequential change increment = simultaneous change ratio = Golden Ratio, and where Rsun = 6.9598E+8 meters and Rsun2earth = 1.48562955925181E+11 meters.
Hi Dan,
the speed of light is also c = (pi x phi ^2 x alpha)/3G where G is the gravitational constant and alpha the fine structure constant. G has dimensions m^-1, and alpha has dimensions s^ -1. Alpha has dimensions because it runs with energy – it has to have dimensions in order to run. Dimensions for G have always been incorrect, due to treating gravity as a force and including distance terms within the dimensional analysis, when these simply refer to the relative strength between 2 points or masses.
This is why gravity has not yet been included in QM (although it is in my paper https://vixra.org/abs/1803.0290) and is perfectly natural fit.
I seem to have downloaded, (Channelled).
Some rudimentary formula in 2006.
See my FB Page
Thoth The Atlantian
The one with the beard.
Your Facebook page is easy to find, but where is the formula then? Could you post it here?
Hi, and thanks for a genuinely fascinating article. I’m an artist: for some of my work I use an instrument known as a ‘twin-elliptic harmonograph’, and I’ve recently applied the golden ratio in its’ use. If you’re interested to see my results please visit http://www.harmonograms.co.uk and look at the ‘Innovations’ page. I’d love to hear your opinion.
ps. you may also like ‘The Golden Circle Triptych’ on my blog page.
Hi Dan. I recently left you a reply but it seems to have disappeared, so here it is again. Apologies if you already have the message.
I’m an artist, and I use a device known as the twin-elliptic harmonograph for some of my work: it’s a finely tuned pendulum that generates complex graphic figures. I recently introduced the Golden Ratio into what was already a complex system, with some startling results. If you’re interested in seeing my work with ø, please take a look at the ‘Innovations’ page of my website – http://www.harmonograms.co.uk
You may also like ‘The Golden Circle Triptych’, which is on my blog page.
All the best, Rick Hall.