A little riddle: When does Φ + V = 5?
Φ, the Greek symbol for phi, represents the number 1.61803398874989…, which is intrinsically related through math and geometry to the number 5.
V is the Roman symbol which represents the number 5.
So when does Φ + V = 5?
All you mathematicians are probably rushing to your calculators, knowing that the answer must be when V = 5 – Φ, or 3.38196601125011…
But this is a riddle, not an equation.
The answer is: “When you express it phonetically rather than mathematically.”
Just say “phi” and add the “v” sound to get “phive,” or five!
Curious that these numbers should all be related phonetically and mathematically, isn’t it?
That is wrong. Phi is pronounced “fee.” A common misconception is that “Phi” is pronounced like π.
That’s not true. Check your dictionary and you’ll find it is pronounced both ways, with Fi being the most common. See also the article on Pronouncing Phi.
well ace, mathematics it ant your MO,esp if you think it’s pronounced a Like that-Fee nope… Phi fi is :: The real version of pie With a H.. The letter i is never dismissed as a second or 3rd letter syllable in any:Abby,,word & esp Phi
I think it is both. phee is .618… or 1/Fi , and Fi, or Phi is 1.6180339..
phee, phi, pho, fum
Wouldn’t that be phee, phi, pho, phum? We’ve got the T-Shirt to prove it at https://www.goldennumber.net/pronouncing-phi/.