There are many examples of the Golden Section or Divine Proportion in nature.
Below are just a few:
The eye, fins and tail all fall at golden sections of the length of a dolphin’s body. The dimensions of the dorsal fin are golden sections (yellow and green). The thickness of the dolphin’s tail section corresponds to same golden section of the line from head to tail.
The spiral growth of sea shells provide a simple, but beautiful, example.
Every key body feature of the angel fish falls at golden sections of its width and length. The nose, tail section, and centers of the fins of the angel fish fall at first (blue) golden sections. The second golden section (yellow) defines the indents on the dorsal and tail finds as well as the top of the body. The green section defines the marking around the eye and the magenta section defines the eye.
The eyes, beak, wing and key body markings of the penguin all fall at golden sections of its height.
All the key facial features of the tiger fall at golden sections of the lines defining the length and width of its face.
The body sections of an ant are defined by the golden sections of its length. Its leg sections are also golden sections of its length.

Nature is a creative researcher
Yes, very creative, and when you said nature, surely you mean an intelligent designer? Nature is not alive is it?
I like the term creative researcher though 🙂
If nature is not alive then we are all dead.
This logic is faulty, as not everything in nature is alive. Hydrogen, carbon and oxygen and other elements on the periodic table are not alive, nor are many things composed of them, e.g., diamonds, rocks, various inorganic compounds, etc. Only living organisms are alive, so if the building blocks of life are not in themselves alive, “creative” or intelligent, it still leaves us with the question of how life originated from them.
Life is the force (voltage) that moves matter
If so, then we need a much better understanding of life as a force. What is it’s nature and source? Why does it exist? How does it act upon material? We have some of those answers for other forces, such as nuclear, gravitational and electro-magnetic. I wrote an article with a similar thought here:
Nature is the playground of resources. We are yet to know who has played it so well
Nature create the things that nature love and that makes nature a blessing we should love nature Just like the love it creates Create love and we’ll see
So “nature” creates and loves too. Sounds like “nature” is not just some “natural process”, but something … or Someone … with purpose, intelligence, thought and emotion.
thank u
N-Never ending
Would like to know about your observations on phi in animals.
Okay, I have been looking into this for a few days now, and I have some issues. I want to believe this, but it looks like you are choosing the points within animals and plants in an arbitrary way. For example, with the penguin, why are those particular points chosen? Is it because they match with the ratio? Also, the human, the point between the legs, and then the point in the midsection, I am not sure what significance these points have from a visual standpoint that they would be chosen, other than the fact that they correlate to the golden ratio.
Am I missing something? I was initially excited about this, but I am starting to get sceptical.
i agree
It doesn’t matter what points he chooses…what matters is that it is there. Nature is extremely redundant, but hides it well.
I dont get it… you just picked specific points of the animal and specific animals why cant you just choose a bunch of flowers and see what they get? if you may post it to me please, thanks for reading this its very appreciated from everyone hope you have a nice day!
No he used a computer to measure accurately that the proportion is always 1 : 1.618… and each line on the penguins and all these animals is pointing at major points on the animal usually critical points on or emanating from the spinal column. Yes it all makes sense and you can use backwards logic on it saying “we’ll that makes sense there, just nature taking its course. But other people try to apply intuition and make connections (or perhaps imagine or create, creation being the “essence of god” no other animals have to near our degree). When you look at all the connectedness and try to understand why the golden ratio seems to be the generation of life and perhaps all movement. Personally what really convinces me is our solar systems weird as hell distance ratios, I would like to research whether other solar systems have anything close to it. The fact that its in the bible all over and in other religions like muslims and jews, who have pretty much the same story as Christians just with different final prophets, definitely raises some questions. Me being only accepting of logic, I can see how this could possibly be a human obsession with this nature observed constant phi, especially because of how much it affects us vs other animals, but that wouldn’t make weird ratios in our solar system, or account for the massive amount of other weird stuff. Praise God in heaven, I am nothing!
See for some ideas on phi topics. See also for applications of the golden ratio.
Hi Gary,
Would just like to express my appreciation for this site and your kind responses to the questions. I am an artist and have been focusing on my composition and this site has really helped me get a grasp on multiple aspects at once.
The diagrams , breakdown and comments section are top notch.
I am inspired to find other parallels to this system such as cooking, or martial arts(?)
Can you speak to how this relates to music?
Thank you,
BTW, I am hearing music…and no I don’t have any mental health issues.
Certainly. See the Music page.
your website helped me alot. it had alot of info
Can I just remind people that koalas aren’t bears, they’re marsupials!
Yes, very creative, and when you said nature, surely you mean an intelligent designer? Nature is not alive is it?
While writing a poem about a boiled egg, I wondered if a boiled egg can be be marked off into golden segments.
Don’t forget hair whorls found in most mammals, including humans.
One Mr. Gary has stated here that chemical elements are not alive . only living organisms are alive. Of course let me admit I don’t know any of these things. But one question arises in my mind . What is this living organism made of ? is it not made of the same chemical elements ? so my argument ( I am afraid I may be erroneous also) is that if these chemical elements are not alive how can the living organism be alive ?
Is it that he intended to mean that they are not alive if they exist in isolated position ? (I am a a very bad student of chemistry )
A fundamental property of “being alive” is the ability to reproduce, and to have other interdependent systems that allow the consumption and use of energy (ingestion, digestion, respiration, etc.). Chemical elements do not have those capabilities. To say they are alive is like saying the aluminum, steel and plastic can fly because they’re part of an airplane that can fly.
Gary B. Meisner,
So then with what you are saying about “being alive”, I take it that an unborn baby is “alive” because it is digesting food from it’s mother, it is respirating and flexing, therefore is “alive”. So to “abort” an unborn baby would mean that someone has just killed it, correct?
This site and page is really intended to discuss appearances and applications of the golden ratio, and not be a forum for pro-life and pro-choice discussions. The comments addressed life when a couple of readers commented that “nature is alive.” I disagreed because not all of nature is “alive.” A rock is not alive by any standard or definition that we use, but is part of nature. As to your question, Merriam Webster defines “alive” as “having life : not dead or inanimate.” So anything that exhibits the metabolic processes of life is alive and living, from a single celled bacteria to a jelly fish to a human, born or unborn. My father fit in a cigar box when born prematurely. My grandsons were quite alive when delivered via C-section very prematurely. Merriam Webster’s first definition of “kill” is “to deprive of life,” so yes an unborn baby is living and to abort it is to deprive it of life. No politics in this. Just simple definition and truth.
I agree
“Life” measurement has a time-awareness aspect which may prevent humans from being able to perceive “life” in things we deem to be inanimate. When “we” measure something it often requires our attention. This is limited by our requirement for sleep and our mortal nature. Some things take eons to move or demonstrate some form of “intelligence” Certainly Phi is an example of something resembling consciousness, over time. In his supremely powerful book, “Synergetics”R. Buckminster Fuller states several instances where supposition of inanimateness of things are questionable. The human ego all too often makes the phrase “I don’t know” to be a source of embarrassment, rather than a place of wonderment and respect for marvelous forces we cannot comprehend.