Unusual signals at Phi Hertz are being received on Earth.
ELFRAD (Extremely Low Frequency Research And Development), a self-funded research organization which tracks radiation on Earth through an array of antennas, has found an extremely low frequency signal at phi, or 1.618033 Hertz, or cycles per second. Their site says the following:
“This chart indicates the detection of signal bursts with a frequency of 1.618033 hertz. This frequency, sometimes called the Golden Ratio. These signals appear with no clear relationship with any known source. They are not related to solar anomalies or any known weather pattern. They do vary in amplitude or intensity and are irregular with their timing. We will continue to monitor this frequency and will display the result. These signals have been detected on a global scale and are of extreme interest.”
“The universe is composed of an infinite number of frequencies. Some macroscopically large and some microscopically small. All exist in uncountable phase relationships with one another. The colors of light, the sound of music, the smell of flowers, the touch of velvet, all are made of combined frequencies. Some are in phase and adding to, some are out of phase and cancel from, a multitude of vibrations. Our five senses are capable of interpreting these particular waves and making them tangible to our perception. Acoustic, seismic, and electromagnetic signals, both natural and artificial, surround us and are a part of our environment. The source of these signals, both terrestrial and extra-terrestrial, and their content is of extreme interest to our research.”
Source: http://elfradgroup.com/elfinfo.htm
While certainly of interest, it must be kept in mind that “seconds” are a manmade measure, so even 1.618 cycles per second is not completely in the realm of nature. As phi is first and foremost a relationship of proportion, receiving two unusual waves whose cycles are in phi proportion would be of greater interest yet.
If we are taking about Golden Ratio,can this mean new birth into a Universal knew consciousness.???
I really believe that it is God’s fingerprint.
You’re very close to correct. It’s his right thumbprint.
Can you please provide a reference for this quote. I cannot find ELFRAD online.
The ELFRAD site still exists at http://www.elfradgroup.com. I didn’t find the quote, but this content has been on goldennumber.net for quite some time so ELFRAD may have changed its site content. The next best strategy is to look at the historical archives or their site at https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.elfrad.com or contact them directly. If you find the information is no longer accurate please let me know so I can make changes.
Here’s an update. The page with the quote is at http://elfradgroup.com/elfinfo.htm.
Is this not the same frequency that our heart beats at?
No, human heart beat is around 70 hz.
Very usefull and abnormal
Because its syncronise with our nature,galaxy,And out planet velocity.
I’m not sure if this is a valid point – after all the second as unit of time was arbitrarily set in the 10th century, it is by no means a constant, but a human invention.
Of course this doesn’t make the coincidence(?) less intriguing..
I agree, which is why I point out that “it must be kept in mind that “seconds” are a manmade measure.” But yes, it is still intriguing.
I love this information. Thank you.
If you dig deep enough into Martin Armstrong’s Economic Confidence Model and Pi research, the unit of measure does not matter. In other words the pi cycle scales. Sorry if this is too apples to oranges.
“The Golden Ratio” book – Author interview with Gary B. Meisner on New Books in Architecture
Its original cosmic echoes of the initial anihilation isn’t it? Those first energy waves interact with everything universally, I believe the frequency would be decreasing if we lived on a scale in which we could live long enough to witness a difference. This sound/ energy wave collides with itself and mixes with energy from all surrounding reactions…..
I have been 3 floods and i have lost everything I have to uses public computer as i have lost mine, i don’t have any money and i have lost 16 kgs, since the first flood in October i sleeping in the scrub so i don’t get moved on by the police, i have lost all my friends as i am in the bush, i don’t have money to buy a lotto ticket to hope for money, suicide seen the only out, can you give me a clue how to get out of this mess? i am sick of suffering
thank you my loving friends
Hi Laurie,
In my experience, when this world hurts and fails you, it’s time to look beyond this world, to One greater whose wisdom and love is greater than our own. These articles are a step in the right direction:
Jesus said in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
In Matthew 7:7-8 He also said, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
If you can’t find a Bible with this and more in it, it’s available online at https://www.bible.com/
Pray to Jesus with an open heart. Turn from the lotto and turn towards a local church or mission with people who have Christ abiding within their hearts. May God bless you.