Golden ratio relationships appear in the Name of G-d in the Hebrew Bible. In Gematria, the most holy name of God, referred to as the Tetragrammaton, embodies some very interesting Golden Ratio relationships. Gematria is a system of assigning numerical value to a word or phrase. It is likely that the term derives from the order of the Greek alphabet, gamma being the third … [Read more...]
The dimensions of the Ark of the Convenant and Noah's Ark in the Bible are based on Fibonacci relationships, which visibly approximate golden ratios. Even the number 666 is related in trigonometry to the golden ratio.Whatever your beliefs, it's worth pondering the origin and purpose of the design found throughout nature, many of which are brought into harmony through Phi.
Phi in the Bible
Although perhaps not immediately obvious, phi and the golden section also appear in the Bible. Also see the Theology page. The Ark of the Covenant is uses Fibonacci numbers, approximating a Golden Rectangle In Exodus 25:10, God commands Moses to build the Ark of the Covenant, in which to hold His Covenant with the Israelites, the Ten Commandments, saying, "Have them … [Read more...]
Is there meaning hidden in Phi, the symbol for the Golden Number? The use of the Greek letter Phi Phi to represent the golden number 1.618 ... is generally said to acknowledge Phidias, a 5th century B.C. sculptor and mathematician of ancient Greece, who studied phi and created sculptures for the Parthenon and Olympus. The message from scripture of all the major monotheistic … [Read more...]