Overview Here's a shocking blow to the world of mathematics! A growing number of sources claim that the established value of Pi (π), 3.14159…, is incorrect. They propose instead an alternate value, claiming that Pi is 3.1446…, derived from 4 divided by the square root of the golden ratio and shown as π=4/√φ. It seems we live in a world where truths are continually … [Read more...]
Relationships between Phi and Pi
Pi is the circumference and area of a circle in relation to its diameter. Represented by the Greek letter π, the value of pi has been established by many methods over the centuries to be 3.1415926536…, a transcendental number with an infinite number of digits.
In recent years, it has been claimed by some that this traditional value for pi is incorrect and is directly related to the golden ratio, represented by the Greek letter φ. This alterate value for pi is claimed to be 3.144605511..., equal to 4/√φ.
This site is dedicated to topics related to the golden ratio, and this new claim now puts this in that domain. This section will investigate the claims and present the evidence to allow readers to determine the truth, as well as other relationships between Phi and Pi.
Pi = 3.14159… vs Pi = 3.1446… – Circumference solution
As easy as Pi? A simple solution to a challenging problem. With the growing number of claims on the Internet that Pi is not 3.14159... but rather 3.1446... (4/√φ), I set out to find the simplest possible way to determine which value is correct. As someone known for my work with Phi (φ), this claim, which links Pi to Phi, naturally deserved my attention. While dozens of … [Read more...]
Pi = 3.14159… vs Pi = 3.1446… – A simple solution
There are a growing number of claims on the Internet that the value of Pi as 3.14159… is wrong, and that its true value is 3.1446…, which is 4 divided by the square root of the golden ratio, i.e., 4/√φ. As I've been researching the golden ratio since the 1990s, I first heard about this years ago but found the proofs difficult to engage with, and the claim unlikely. It was … [Read more...]