Elliott Wave International
For those interested in applying Fibonacci numbers to stock market analysis, Elliott Wave International (EWI) is one of the world’s largest providers of market research and technical analysis. Their staff of full-time analysts provides global market analysis via electronic online services to institutional investors 24 hours a day. EWI also provides educational services that include periodic conferences, intensive workshops, video tapes, special reports and books. Their site offers free unlimited access to club articles, a message board and tutorials in the application of Elliott Wave Theory.
Pi – The Movie.
That’s right, the movie, and it really should have been called Phi but the producers probably felt that Pi would have appeal to a broader audience.
Released in 1998, this intense and intriguing drama focuses on a mathematical genius who finds patterns in everything. If you like this site, you’ll probably like this movie. Available in DVD or VHS.
The Colours of Infinity – The Beauty and Power of Fractals: A compilation from Benoit Mandelbrot, Ian Stewart, Sir Arthur C. Clarke and others. The book includes a chapter from Elliott Wave International’s Bob Prechter titled “The Human Social Experience Forms a Fractal,” which discusses the fractality of stock market prices and gives readers an overview of R.N. Elliott’s discovery that the stock market is patterned by the human herding impulse. Includes a bonus DVD of the groundbreaking TV documentary, from which this book takes its name, seen in over fifty countries and featuring a musical soundtrack by Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour. Click HERE to order.
The Da Vinci Code – by Dan Brown: It’s not often that you find a fascinating novel grounded in the Fibonacci series, the paintings of Da Vinci and a creative and clever blend of sacred geometry, history and religion. Whatever you make of the theories put forth, if you like this site, you’re likely to love this intriguing and thought-provoking work of fiction. Then when you’re done, read the truth that is stranger than fiction.
Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land – The Disney Classic in DVD or VHS.
The Golden Mean Book & Caliper Set by Stephen McIntosh
The book is only 64 pages, but does a great job of providing examples on the golden section in life, art, math and its aesthetic/spiritual underpinnings. The 14″ calipers provide an fun, easy way to experiment with finding golden sections and can be used as a tool for art and geometry.
Professional Golden Mean Gauge
This Golden Mean Gauge is available from Eddy Levin, a dentist in England who uses the Golden Mean to assure proper proportions in dentistry procedures. He offers a precision gauge for medical and other high quality work as well as a less expensive student quality guage.
Acrylic puzzles of Penrose darts, kites and diamonds and other phi-based shapes from Kadon Enterprises
Fascinating Fibonaccis – Mystery and Magic in Numbers by Trudi Hammel Garland
Easy to read introduction to Fibonacci numbers in nature, math, science, music, art, and architecture.
Fibonacci Fun: Fascinating Activities With Intriguing Numbers by Trudi Hammel Garland
Mathematics of Harmony: From Euclid to Contemporary Mathematics and Computer Science (Series on Knots and Everything) by Alexey Stakhov (Author), Scott Olsen (Collaborator).An in depth treatment of the subject by my friend Alexey Stakhov, author of www.goldenmuseum.com.
The Divine Proportion : A Study in Mathematical Beauty by H. E. Huntley
A very good foundational resource that goes fairly deep into the mathematics and geometry of phi, the golden section and the Fibonacci series while also providing some very good practical examples and applications.
ERMANOMETRY: The Perfectly Patterned Stock Market by William T. Erman
The Book of Phi, Volumes 1, 2, 3 and 4 by Jain
The Singing Silence by Anne M. Hamilton A beautifully artistic book on the appearance of the golden ratio throughout nature and the voice of God that sings out to us from the silent design around us.
Geometry of Design: Studies in Proportion and Composition by Kimberly Elam
The Geometry of Art and Life by Matila Costiescu Ghyka
The Fibonacci Sequence and Beyond by Bruce R. Gilson
The Golden Ratio: The Story of Phi, the World’s Most Astonishing Number by Mario Livio
A Mathematical History of the Golden Number [UNABRIDGED] by Roger Herz-Fischles
Shapes, Space, and Symmetry by Alan Holden
The Power of Limits : Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art, and Architecture by Gyorgy Doczi
Sacred Geometry by Miranda Lundy (useful for design, architecture and other visual arts)
A Psychological Theory of Bipolarity and Reflexivity by Vladimir A. Lefebvre
Fibonacci Applications and Strategies for Traders (Wiley Trader’s Advantage) by Robert Fischer
The New Fibonacci Trader: Tools and Strategies for Trading Success by Robert Fischer, Jens Fischer
R.N. Elliott’s Masterworks : The Definitive Collection by Robert R., Jr. Prechter
Golden Section by Runion, Garth E. Runion
The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers by R. A. Dunlap
Fibonacci Numbers by Nikolai N Vorobev
Understanding Fibonacci Numbers by Edward D. Dobson
A Mathematical History of the Golden Number [UNABRIDGED] by Roger Herz-Fischles
Divine Proportion by Luca Pacioli
The Book of Squares by Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci
Collection of Manuscripts Related to Fibonacci Sequence by Hoggat-Bicknell
The metaphysics of figures & symbols in Fibonacci’s conception of the universe by Leonardo Fibonacci
Fibonacci Ratios With Pattern Recognition by Larry Pesavento
An Introduction to Fibonacci Discovery by Brother U. Alfred
Primer for the Fibonacci Numbers by V.E. Hoggatt, M. Bicknell
this site was extremly helpful alhough they could put up more information that would pique more peoples interest