Golden Ruler Grid™ If you have a printer and transparencies, you can print the "Golden Ruler"© grid below and use it to see the golden section and phi in various objects. Simply hold the transparency in front of you and match the lines up to the object to see if its design is based on the golden section, as shown below. Here's a small sample grid or click on the … [Read more...]
Stock Market Analysis, Phi and the Fibonacci Sequence
Human expectations occur in a ratio that approaches Phi. Changes in stock prices largely reflect human opinions, valuations and expectations. A study by mathematical psychologist Vladimir Lefebvre demonstrated that humans exhibit positive and negative evaluations of the opinions they hold in a ratio that approaches phi, with 61.8% positive and 38.2% negative. Phi and … [Read more...]
Golden Ratios in Energy Radiation and Vibrations
Unusual signals at Phi Hertz are being received on Earth. ELFRAD (Extremely Low Frequency Research And Development), a self-funded research organization which tracks radiation on Earth through an array of antennas, has found an extremely low frequency signal at phi, or 1.618033 Hertz, or cycles per second. Their site says the following: "This chart indicates the … [Read more...]
Foreign Exchange Markets (FOREX) and Trading
Phi relationships appear in foreign currency price movements. It has long been known that phi and Fibonacci relationships appear in the stock markets. The foreign exchange market, or Forex, is the largest market in the world. The simplest definition of foreign exchange is the changing of one currency to another. Since there are no touchable commodities affected, this is the … [Read more...]
Phi in Quantum Solid State Matter
Hidden Golden Ratio symmetry was observed for the first time in solid state matter. In January 2010 Science Daily and Physics World announced the discovery of a hidden Phi symmetry in solid state matter. As explained in the Science Daily article: "On the atomic scale particles do not behave as we know it in the macro-atomic world. New properties emerge which are the result … [Read more...]
Sports and Politics
Phi is a factor in Sports. In races, why does the most favored starter win less than half the time? Why does it not win all the time? Just what percentage of the time does it win? We don’t all choose the favorite to win, but what success rate can we expect whatever we choose? Surely not 100%, but not 0% either. Is there an percent which would be the value most … [Read more...]
Time in Quantum Physics and Phi
Time in Quantum Physics may be related to Phi. The Golden Ratio seems to be appearing in several places in the Quantum Physics Model. Because an electron has an electric charge and an intrinsic rotational motion, or spin, it behaves in some respects like a small bar magnet and is said to have a magnetic moment. Because the electron also has mass, it behaves in some respects … [Read more...]
Use of Images and Content from this Site
Permissions granted for educational and non-commercial uses To reference this site in APA format, the reference will depend on the page you are citing but will look like this: Meisner, Gary B. (Year, Month Date Published). Article title. Phi: The Golden Number, Retrieved Month Date, Year, from This website was redesigned in 2012, so many of … [Read more...]
What is Phi? (The Basics of the Golden Ratio)
Phi for "Neo-Phi-tes:" Phi ( Φ = 1.618033988749895... ), most often pronounced fi like "fly," is simply an irrational number like pi ( p = 3.14159265358979... ), but one with many unusual mathematical properties. Unlike pi, which is a transcendental number, phi is the solution to a quadratic equation. Phi is the basis for the Golden Ratio, Section or Mean The ratio, or … [Read more...]
School Projects and Interviews
I've received a growing number of requests for ideas on school projects and even to respond to "interviews with an expert" which are being required by some teachers for a passing grade on projects. My hope with this site is to expand knowledge on phi and I appreciate the interest it has generated. Still, there's only one of me, and it's becoming increasing difficult to … [Read more...]