Fibonacci numbers and Phi are related to spiral growth in nature. If you sum the squares of any series of Fibonacci numbers, they will equal the last Fibonacci number used in the series times the next Fibonacci number. This property results in the Fibonacci spiral, based on the following progression and properties of the Fibonacci series: 12 + 12 + 22 + 32 + 52 = 5 x 8 12 + … [Read more...]
Phi, Pi and the Great Pyramid of Egypt at Giza
The Great Pyramid of Egypt closely embodies Golden Ratio proportions. There is debate as to the geometry used in the design of the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt. Built around 2560 BC, its once flat, smooth outer shell is gone and all that remains is the roughly-shaped inner core, so it is difficult to know with absolute certainty. The outer shell remains though at the cone, so … [Read more...] 2012 website design changes
If you're a past visitor to you likely noticed the major change in its design in 2012. One visitor wrote to say that they preferred the old design. Click on the images below to see the old look: If you really miss the old look you can visit it at the Archive Wayback Machine snapshots of Here, however, are the reasons for the change in … [Read more...]
Royal Academy 2012 Rose Award for Photography
Tim Fisher wrote with his observations on the golden ratio aspects of the winner of the Rose Award and £1000 at the 2012 Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. The photo was submitted by Peter Abrahams as Vanitas: Cleaning, Archival pigment inkjet, 76 x 97 cm. I agree with Tim's observations. The original photo was as follows: If you overlay a PhiMatrix golden ratio grid to … [Read more...]
Phi and the Solar System
The dimensions of the Earth and Moon are in Phi relationship, forming a Triangle based on 1.618. The illustration shows the relative sizes of the Earth and the Moon to scale. Draw a radius of the Earth (1). Draw a line from the center point of the Earth to the center point of the Moon (square root of Phi). Draw a line to connect the two lines to form a Golden Triangle … [Read more...]
Dr. Levin’s Golden Mean Gauges
Achieve excellence in whatever you do! The Golden Ratio, the phi relationship, has long been used by craftsmen and professionals of many fields to understand and achieve beauty, balance and harmony in their work. Artists, architects, designers, engineers, musicians, photographers, sculptors, surgeons and stock analysts alike use this relationship to achieve excellence in … [Read more...]
Cosmology and appearances of Phi
Phi appears in the Solar System and The Universe. From the distances between the planets, to the structure of Saturn's rings to the shape of the Universe itself, phi is found again and again in different manifestations. New findings reveal that the universe itself is in the shape of a dodecahedron, a twelve-sided geometric solid with pentagon faces, all based on … [Read more...]
The Human Body and the Golden Ratio
The human body is based on Phi and 5. The human body illustrates the Golden Section or Divine Proportion. We'll use the golden ratio building blocks developed on the Life page again for each line segment: The Divine Proportion in the Body The white line is the body's height. The blue line, a golden section of the white line, defines the distance from the head to … [Read more...]
The Design of Life and the Golden Ratio
"All life is biology. All biology is physiology. All physiology is chemistry. All chemistry is physics. All physics is math." Dr. Stephen Marquardt. The design of life is based on a "Golden Ruler™, a ruler composed of golden ratios within golden ratios. It has long been known that the Golden Section, (also Golden Ratio or Divine Proportion), appears in certain … [Read more...]
The Human Face and the Golden Ratio
The human face is based on Phi and Golden Ratio proportions. The human face abounds with examples of the Golden Ratio, also known as the Golden Section or Divine Proportion. We'll use a succession of golden ratios to create a golden ruler to understand design in the face: The head forms a golden rectangle with the eyes at its midpoint. The mouth and nose are each placed at … [Read more...]