New findings in 2003 reveal that the shape of the Universe is a Dodecahedron based on Phi.
In October 2001, NASA began collecting data with the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) on cosmic background radiation. Like visible light from distant stars and galaxies, cosmic background radiation allows scientists to peer into the past to the time when the universe was in its infancy. Density fluctuations in this radiation can also tell scientists much about the physical nature of space.
NASA released the first WMAP cosmic background radiation data in February of 2003. In October 2003, a team including French cosmologists and Jeffrey Weeks, a freelance mathematician and recipient of a MacArthur Fellowship or “genius award,” used this data to develop a model for the shape of the universe.
The study analyzed a variety of different models for the universe, including finite vs. infinite, flat, negatively curved (saddle-shaped), positively curved (spherical) space and a torus (cylindric). The study revealed that the math adds up if the universe is finite and shaped like a dodecahedron, as in the illustration below provided by Weeks:

The connection to Phi is found in the Pentagons that form the faces of the Dodecahedron.
A shown on the Geometry page, A dodecahedron consists of twelve pentagons. Take a pentagon and connect all the points to form a 5-pointed star. The ratios of the lengths of the resulting line segments are all based on phi, , or 1.618!
See the Five and Phi and Penrose Tiling pages for other relationships of the number 5 and pentagons to phi.
This is still a theory, but supported by data that can be tested.
Weeks cautioned that his team’s model of a finite, dodecahedral-shaped universe, while promising, is hardly a proven theory. He said, “There’s more work to be done. It could be affirmed, or it could be refuted. What makes it exciting now is it’s not a matter of idle speculation. There’s real data to look at and the possibility of getting a definite answer.” If proven by further evidence and scrutiny, the model would represent a major discovery about the nature of the cosmos.
A description of their research appears in the science journal Nature and at National Geographic, below and HERE.
A 2015 update by Luminet can be found here:
Thanks go to J.D. Ahmanson for first bringing this finding to my attention.
All of reality in this universe is created by this formula. If you quantify time as a spatial entity, then you can also apply this formula to the creation of a human life experience. By understanding that time isn’t real but rather a human construct that was created as a tool to help us manifest our visions into reality, and seeing that each second is approx. 18.5 miles long, you can apply the Fibonacci series to each second to see that the second you are in is a total of the choices made in the seconds prior, one by one. Un=Un-1+Un-2 @ 18.5 MPS. As we sow, so do we reap. It’s an electromagnetic construct that becomes as it is chosen to be. Check out my book page on Facebook. “Where Time Comes From- A Handbook For Humans.”
Plato, the famous greek philosopher said in Thimeus, that the universe is shaped as a dodecahedron, so this news is over 2300 years old. is about time your wake up.
Perhaps, but having evidence based on a far deeper understanding of the nature of the universe does make it a bit more compelling, doesn’t it?
Hello. If u, Plato my man, can describe the shape of this universe – what is on the other side? S.H.
the other side is the Icosahedron
Thanks for the information.
Wait… if the universe (presumably) expanded from a single point, why would it expand in a ‘dodecahedron-ous’ fashion? Obviously, for the universe to have expanded, some explosive force must have outweighed the force of gravity. What could’ve formed the Dodecahedron shape (since theoretically, any fluid that emits and is susceptible to gravity will form a sphere)?
Only our “Observable Universe” expanded from a “single point”. The entire Cosmos may have emerged from a much larger “footprint” around that area, or perhaps from a very dense but infinite seething mass (although I am on the finite team!).
Good question: for the infinite 5D Universe with the boundary shape of a dodecahedron, you’ll better take 5 lines & build it up smoothly 😉
Then it looks like this;
Looking into space is looking into the past. The background radiation settled in the very early stages of the universe. ( Assuming that creation follows the stages of ether, air, fire, liquid, earth, as represented by dodecahedron, octahedron, tetrahedron, icosahedron, cube… that is starting with subtle and condensing into crude, would it than not be intuitive, that the outer shape, that is the oldest picture, representing the beginning moment, have that dodecahedral shape and would we find the others more inward, that is nearer or newer?
Kepler discovered that there were two more regular solids, there small and great stellated dodecahedrons. This makes seven regular solids and therefore seven elements, two of which are as yet unknown. But in quantum chromo dynamics there are three set of seven orbitals which constitute all the elementary particles that make up hadrons. There are 24 primary particles in the standard model, 12 particles and their anti particles.
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There was no gravity when the universe began. Gravity was created after the energy cooled down enough to become particles. Then, along with all the other forces it came into being. There was no resistance to the expansion of the universe before that time. We call this inflation.
I wonder if you mix the Universe with our solar system. As I know Universe is limitless, and has no form, like dodekahedron while our solarsystem is a unique wholeness which inner relations can be describen within a dodecahedron.
Golder Ratio in Space-Time:
Whatever happened to this idea for a Dodecahedron Universe, in general? I was waiting for years for the Planck results to confirm it, but never heard anything at all about it since 2003.
I would appreciate any updates on the matter!
Specifically, I am wondering if they found any lower frequencies. I had read in 2003 that the “low frequencies (harmonics) were missing”, suggesting that the Universe at large was a finite space.
And I am also wondering why the 2003 reports suggested a dodecahedron Universe size of only 60 billion light years across. (and did they mean Observable Universe, or the entire space??)
The 2003 literature also said that Planck might be able to observe some duplicate images (the hall of mirrors effect) and I assume that they didn’t since I have not heard anything at all about this since ’03. However, what if the dodecahedron was unfathomably large, where our Observable Universe was just part of one “flat” side? Or would a GIANT dodecahedron conflict with the “missing low frequencies” issue that it was meant to solve in the first place?
Finite universe or not, there are more than likely multiple universes, possibly an infinite number of them. The point is to open your eyes to a picture that is larger and smaller than we ever considered. I like sacred geometry because so far it seems to apply to all things despite any difference in size, shape, or dimension.
Phi is NOT a number, it’s a ratio. Sure, it can be represented as an ‘irrational number’ to an infinite number of decimal places, but it isn’t a number. This is the problem with the hijacking of latterday physics (or natural philosophy) by mathematicians (beginning around the time of Einstein) who often like to claim they are using “the language of God” or “the language of the Universe”. In fact, they are simply describing and modelling reality, not understanding and explaining it..
Ratios and harmonics are the ‘laws’ of nature, not numbers or ‘quanta’ – pi, phi, the comma of Pythagoras (also called “the tiny gap’ by the Egyptians) which describes the paradoxical divergence between musical scales ising intervals of octaves and fifths, which mandate Equal Temperament tuning to allow chords spanning more than a single fifth or octave, but using notes from both, to be played.
I am intrigued by the dodecahedron universe theory, not as a literal physical concept, but as a spiritual awareness of the symbology behind the number 12 representing the 12 constellations and yearly cycles divided into 12 monthly segments. Also, each of the 12 pentagons that make up the dodecahedron are developed using the fibonacci sequence. We find this sequence in life forms everywhere. The dodecahedron is the perfect form to use in describing the cosmos and in a more spiritual sense, using it as a mantra for meditating on absolute reality.
I wonder about unnatural microwave radiation frequencies and natural frequencies. I wonder … what happens to our macro micro synchronicity when we are injected with nano particles … does that mess with our sacred geometry? Where does resonance and things like quorum sensing and epigenetics figure into this global experiment? How do we scalar wave our way outa here? I betcha the Djedi would know. Perhaps The Egyptian Djed is a clue.
Djed ~ balanced resonant oscillator dielectric capacitors in series. 2 stable and 1 unstable axis of rotation.
Ankh ~ US Patent US685957 by Nikola Tesla and antenna design Williot RF harvesting, self powered IoT wearables.