The hand shows Phi and the Fibonacci Series.
There are many examples of the Divine Proportion found throughout the design of the universe and everything in it, but let’s take a look at one of the most important things first: You! We’ll need a few Golden Section / Fibonacci building blocks:
Each line is 1.618… times longer than the one before it. (Conversely, a section drawn at 0.618 (or 61.8%) of each line equals the length of the one before it.)
Let’s start with something simple. Take your hand off your keyboard or mouse and look at the proportions of your index finger.
Hold your hand up to the screen. Don’t be shy!
Each section of your index finger, from the tip to the base of the wrist, is larger than the preceding one by about the Fibonacci ratio of 1.618, also fitting the Fibonacci numbers 2, 3, 5 and 8.
By this scale, your fingernail is 1 unit in length.
Curiously enough, you also have 2 hands, each with 5 digits, and your 8 fingers are each comprised of 3 sections. All Fibonacci numbers!
Here are other ways of expressing the same basic relationship in its connection to the golden ratio and golden spiral:
The ratio of the forearm to hand is Phi
Your hand creates a golden section in relation to your arm, as the ratio of your forearm to your hand is also 1.618, the Divine Proportion.
Even your feet show phi
The foot has several proportions based on phi lines, including:
- The middle of the arch of the foot
- The widest part of the foot
- The base of the toe line and big toe
- The top of the toe line and base of the “index” toe
Note that not every individual has body dimensions in exact phi proportion but averages across populations tend towards phi and phi proportions are perceived as being the most natural or beautiful.
“and your 8 fingers are each comprised of 3 sections”…
You are wrong, we have 10 fingers. The thumbs also have 3 sections each.
Thumb is not technically a finger
you are wrong. the thumb doesnt count as a finger.
Your Thumb is a Digit, It’s your “Counting Finger” for the “Hand”!
Both views have been brought together without the “Bias of Allusion”.
The author of this article is referring the phalanges of the hand when classifying the fingers. The fingers attached to metacarpals 2-5 all consist of three phalanges each (proximal/intermediate/distal) while the thumb extends from the 1st metacarpal and consists of only a distal and proximal phalange. Thus, only eight fingers were considered for Fibonacci ratios.
Thumbs are Not Fingers. However, we have 10 digits.
Exactly, thumb is not counted as finger !!!!!
Yeah that is why the author says that you have says that your 2 hands each have 5 DIGITS, and later, fingers.
you are right thumbs are fingers
“we take from the tip distance”
King Kong you are wrong. The thumbs are comprised of two phalanges and one metacarpal. Same goes for the great toe. The 8 fingers are comprised of three phalanges and one metacarpal, and the same for the 8 lesser toes. There is an anatomical difference of the thumbs.
Those people with ten fingers had a curse on them, many of them over the years became pirates. I am not talking about thumbs. It was like God cleared the earth during the great flood of all of those tainted children born of women having sex with the gods of old, as the bible refers to them. In other words, they were aliens. Just like the kind of people you find hanging out in sleezy bars….LOL.
Pretty sure those kids were Nephilim. Children born of human and angel.
Not wrong. Just a different viewpoint. shows the first definition of “finger” as “any of the terminal members of the hand, especially one other than the thumb.” Thumbs have three sections beyond the wrist while the other four digits/fingers have four, so the “terminal” section of the thumb has two sections.
Oh yes, let’s use as a respectable source….
How about Oxford dictionary, which says “Each of the four slender jointed parts attached to either hand (or five, if the thumb is included)”, or Merriam-Webster, which says” any of the five terminating members of the hand : a digit of the forelimb; especially : one other than the thumb.” The main thrust of all is that finger refers primary to the four fingers, excluding the thumb.
Maybe I am missing something. Phi is a ratio of two things: hand/forearm, finger digits. Which lines from the foot illustration does one compare?
Each of the lines represents a golden ratio of the one that precedes it, which is often how Phi is expressed in life. The first four phi lines fall at the arch, ball and base of the toes.
Thumbs do count as fingers and the thumbs only have 2 phalanges each.
To quote Dr. Seuss, “Hand, Hand, Fingers, Thumb.”
Dr.A.Jagadeesh Nellore(AP),India
I think god creates using phi, its clearly an intelligent design, creating intelligence. If phi was used exactly then we wouldn’t look as we are now with slight differences to distinguish ourselves.
YAS! preach!
intelligent design is organised, chaos design is not.
how do you plot the numbers on an excel spreadsheet for the forearm to hand picture?
Measure a dimension on the photo and put it in a cell in Excel. Then create a formula in the cell on either side that multiply or divide by 1.6180339887. You can calculate that more precisely by putting this in the cell: =5^0.5*0.5+0.5
Trees and fibronicci formula demonstrate lymes growth. Cool
Any one interested in exploring golden ratio in relationship to the “ying yang” to create a perfect form which can illustrate that unified field is only 2 forces, not four and this is why no one has balanced these, now if all you want to do is be smart, please dont waste our time, i am seeking, not being right, but looking for a correct way to do a job i have to do…
What job is that?
thanks all, enjoy, found my unified field, its true fractal nature… “i think and hope at least…”
Light is always a particle and a wave form, it does not collapse, but it is hiding by being out of phase by a 45 degree movement and the second 45 degree twist, ….like a bullet it seems to just be a particle, because we can not perceive the particles spin….. wow it was hiding every where in front of me, so apparent I could not see it, I see the equation, now i just need to figure how to use it for my escape door from this twisted feminine world.” good luck to all you tartarus is a amazing trap that makes you the jailer and also the prison!
very nice but give nice explanation on foot
The multiple lines on the foot indicate golden ratios of golden ratios. This is a bit like the equal ratios that appear in sea shells, but applied in a linear fashion.
The Phi- or Golden ratio sequence is 1.618033…… and goes on forever, infinite decimals, which means you can not enumerate them. First two pairs of numbers in the sequence is 16 and 18.
Chapter 16 verse 18.
And if you should count the favors of Allah , you could not enumerate them. Indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful. 16:18, Sahih International translation, Quran.
Furthermore, if you take the next three numbers, …033 = 33, and step 33 letters into that same verse, you end up right in the middle of the name Allah.
In addition to this, if you take chapter 1 which has 7 verses and add the chapter number 1 to the number of verses in that chapter 7, giving you 1+7 = 8. Chapter 2 has 286 verses, giving you 2+286 = 288. Chapter 3 + 200 verses = 203 ….and so on… and then make two groups of these sums, one with all odd sums (203+…+…) and one with all even sums (8+288+…+…). If you now were to compare the ratio of those two groups, you end up with the ratio of phi. 1.618…. I’m not talking about a book from a human… or what do you think?
Really enjoy your website and the PHI relationship to the human hand.
I have recently launched my own website comparing the origin of Earth:Moon and G.P. ration and their relationship to the human hands.
Have other interesting reads about PI, Earth and Moon, G.P etc.
Please check it our and let me know what you think.
Phi is not intelligent design. It is just the fundamental harmonic of a chaotic self similar architecture in nature. Basic forms behave according to the principle of least action and as such follow geodesics or great arcs that naturally conform to simple geometric shapes that have basic resonances. These most fundamental new modes are like the base ten system relating to the ten digits. New human comprehension might equate this ratio with a new way of thinking.
True, there are many examples of Phi in nature that represent the simple result of its appearance being the most “efficient” structure based on “least action.” The more interesting question is why Phi appears in some places where it seems to be only for the human perception of beauty, and why humans perceive beauty at all. The many golden ratios that can be found in the proportions of a beautiful face is an example. That is not as easily explained as a self-similar geodesic dome in which all the proportions are identical.
This is very accurate.