The DNA molecule, the program for all life, is based on the golden section. It measures 34 angstroms long by 21 angstroms wide for each full cycle of its double helix spiral.


B-DNA has spirals in phi proportions
DNA in the cell appears as a double-stranded helix referred to as B-DNA.This form of DNA has a two groove in its spirals, with a ratio of phi in the proportion of the major groove to the minor groove, or roughly 21 angstroms to 13 angstroms.
The DNA cross-section is based on Phi
Dr. Robert Langridge, known as the pioneer of molecular graphics, earned his Ph.D in Crystallography in 1957 with a dissertation on x-ray crystallographic, model building and computational studies of the structure of DNA. Over the next several decades he continued his work, which led to this 1985 photo of him:
In the photo is an image of the cross section of DNA, revealing a clear 10-sided geometry, the foundation of a decagon.
A decagon is in essence two pentagons, with one rotated by 36 degrees from the other, so each spiral of the double helix must trace out the shape of a pentagon.
The ratio of the diagonal of a pentagon to its side is Phi to 1. So, no matter which way you look at it, even in its smallest element, DNA, and life, is constructed using phi and the golden section!
This decagon-based nature of the DNA cross section was independently recognized by Dr. Stephen Marquardt. His research on human facial attractiveness led him to discover the relationship of the golden ratio to both the decagon structures found in both DNA and in the “Marquardt Beauty Mask” he created which provides an archetype to understanding human facial beauty.
His work describes Phi in 2D to show the pentagon and decagon as it relates to DNA, and extends that to “Making the Mask” to reveal a:
“complex of forty two (42) “secondary” Golden Decagon Matrices, which are exactly the same shape as the Primary Golden Decagon Matrix but smaller by various multiples of phi, are mathematically and geometrically uniquely positioned in the Primary (or framework) Golden Decagon Matrix. It is these forty two (42) Secondary Golden Decagon Matrices which ultimately form the various components of the face.”
The transformation from decagon to the Beauty Mask is discussed on this site at “Facial Analysis and the Marquardt Beauty Mask” and on Dr. Marquardt’s site at
I am in awe at the majesty of God to create such an unbelievable design in such intricacy.
I am in awe at the need to believe that the amazing intricacy in the cosmos was created by an imaginary entity invented by story telling humans.
I think we can all agree that imaginary entities do not create anything. If God is our Creator though, then He is not imaginary. Just to have this exchange of thoughts, we type away at computers dependent upon sophisticated programming codes, communication networks and power sources that took highly intelligent human beings centuries of purposeful design to achieve. A single strand of our DNA though contains a more sophisticated code than any mankind has created. That code contains the complete instructions to create the human brain, which is far more sophisticated than any computer we’ve conceived, and the neural networks that allow your eyes to see, your brain to think and your fingers to type. I am in awe at the need of other story telling humans to believe that the amazing intricacy in the cosmos happened without intelligence, thought and design, completely by chance and with absolutely no purpose.
that is awesome. basicly what i was gonna say, but better
Gary, Your study on Phi Fibanacci has fascinated me for weeks, however your views on DNA is rather brief leaving much to be desired, are there any sources you might know of to further my knowledg?? Good work by the way!
There are now some excellent videos on YouTube with incredible animations of what’s going on inside our cells, and information on the mathematical improbabilities of it happening by chance. I put together a video that compiles a lot of information that I found here:
I love this debate, if only because it is such a perfect example of the purpose of creation being fulfilled. Then again, in a world created for purpose everything within can only exist to support that purpose. Those of us who don’t ‘see’ the majesty of our Creator must still be supporting that same Creator if in fact it is in control of It’s creation. For somebody, anybody, to deny Creator allows Creator the opportunity to experience vicariously what it cannot directly, ignoring Itself. Creation provides everything to It’s creator. We who agree or disagree actually don’t really exist, except as manifestations of the imagination of Creation, giving to Itself discovery of Itself, through It’s creation, us. Enjoy your debate everyone. I know you can only see the world the way you do and can’t tell you aren’t, or that you mistaken, not that I now know we all contribute as the singular perspective we each are.
Ah ha ?
(Little fun for some)
This Reminds me of a silly riddle/poem life seemed to express through my soul about growing a true sense of love for u & I verse all We are to be while planted on this planet as Life planned it. Here’s a short Pie.ce….
“Yes you are present beings, presently being a gift to present YouRself as (individuals ) living in the presence of Present Beings. WelCoME…”
What I am learning to love most about this whole experience, as a whole! The 2 Golden Rules/laws: Love God as you will learn to love Yourself… allowing you to love thy neighbor as you love self… because once self- is realizing your neighbors are you in another body. We love as One body of Humanity in divided perspectives on Earth within Flesh but as unique beings that share common properties. Helps to recognize the best part is we all have been made different to make a difference even if it’s just being present.
Love & Blessings to all and I am unapologetically hopeful this weird comment and poem was different, but also makes a difference! Agape
(((Celebrate Life)))
Oh, and who created that intelligent creator..??
Good question, but in asking it you’re making an assumption that nothing could exist forever. Did anything exist before the Big Bang? Certainly something must have been there, even if it wasn’t the universe as we know it. What came before that? Where is the universe expanding into, and from where did that come?
Every insight and revelation that mankind has had into the nature of our God and Creator recognizes Him as being eternal, without beginning or end. Exodus 3:13-14 records Moses saying to God, “Suppose they ask me, ‘What is his name?’ Then what shall I tell them?” God responds to Moses, “I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: ‘I AM has sent me to you.'” That itself is a statement of existence, of simply being. Revelation 1:8 says “I am the Alpha and the Omega,” says the Lord God, “who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.”
Perhaps someday not to far off into the future mankind will create an artificial intelligence capable of asking the same questions. It may ask “who created me?” Man will respond “We did,” and our creation will ask “But who created you?” A good question, but one that is grounded in circular logic and narrow thinking that keeps one from grasping the concept that the real answer could be that there are things that can be eternal, without beginning or end. We live in a universe bound by time from which we see one beginning and one ending, but that does not mean or prove that to be all there is.
The Creator never was created, He existed forever. Why would the Creator need a Creator? Food for thought huh?
Epic words , love it !!!!!!!!
I agree, but you also cannot know how long “God” or the intelligent designer you speak of took to design the intricate patterns and complexity that we continue to discover. It may have taken and almost infinite amount of time, so it’s an unusual comparison that intelligent humans took centuries to get as far as we are and somehow assume that “God” did it in a lesser time. Please, no references to a man-made book to prove that “God” did it all in 6 days.
My point wasn’t how much time it took. It’s that to create something of such complexity requires intelligence, purpose and design.
Just stumbled upon this and had to laugh as I don’t know how many times I have seen this argument and those of faith NEVER have an answer. If the only way to create something as intricate as humans as for us to have had a highly intelligent creator – doesn’t it stand to reason that such a creator would have been even more complex and require even more intelligence, purpose, and design. But no, they always say that is true for us but not for whoever they think created us which negates their first point that we are too complex to have not been created.
Hi Jennifer. I’ll guess I’ll be the first to break your streak of those of faith never having an answer. There’s a fundamental flaw in your logic. It precludes the possibility that ANY creator could exist and therefore leads to a flawed conclusion.
Suppose we one day create a very smart little droid, programmed with some of our human intelligence. It asks “Where did I come from?” You proudly say “We created you!” The little droid says, “Well who created you?” You say “Oh nobody, we just came from nothing and natural processes.” The little droid frowns and says “Well that must be how I got here too, liar.” By your logic, the little droid could also say “well you don’t have integrated circuits or a power supply, so I couldn’t have come from you.”
You could very well be the smart little droid here. We have qualities that our little droid does not, and the same could be true of our Creator. The argument for a Creator is not based solely on complexity. It’s also based on the fundamental characteristics and natural laws of the universe in which we live.
Our Creator could be spiritual rather than material, and eternal rather than mortal. We, however, are bound by the laws of the universe in which we live. We have a relatively limited, finite time for our complexity to have arisen by chance, and the odds of that having happened on its own are infinitesimally small. We require highly sophisticated and complex programming in our DNA to sustain our biological life form, and there’s no evidence at all in information theory to support the the information required for this could happen by chance. We live amid the second law of thermodynamics that says matter should have tended to randomness rather than order.
There are a unfathomable array of things that would just have had to happened perfectly and quickly for you and I to be here by chance, and to believe that they did requires a big leap of faith and the disregard of some very compelling evidence and logic. I’ve recapped some of the key points in this video: I’ve never found that those without faith in God have a meaningful, evidence-based answer for the questions this video raises. All they really have is conjecture, rationalization and faith to support the view they wish to hold.
Well said !
If a being lived in another dimension, theoretically we would not be able to “see” them, yet they would still exist, correct? Why would God be any other way?
Thank you for that great insight. We can’t understand God with thinking limited to our human experience. Current scientific theory says there are at least ten dimensions, so God could exist along side us. Relativity theory tells us that time slows as you approach the speed of light, so the concept of being eternal is also within the concepts of science.
They say that god is a being of light
That was such a powerful and well formulated response!
God bless, you and your family for a 1000 years to come!!!
And to you and your family as well. Matthew 13:16
That code applies to some more than others . Physically , mentally , in every way.
Are you also in awe that imaginary value for an idea called money allows people to rationalise people dying, losing their integrity, their happiness and it has given an imaginary idea that a selected few’s lives (financially elite)means more than even an entire continent (Africa for example). Does it also make sense that men and women are being sent the front lines to fight a war for corporate profits, so humans can play god and kill and make others in doing so, but there can’t be a god that loves all and is beyond all ego and fear?
This is why Atheists are so undesirable to have around. I’d rather have a dinner with people of various theistic beliefs (extremists notwithstanding)… people who are polite and respectful enough of other folks to not constantly point out that their beliefs are wrong.
Here’s a lesson to improve your social interactions:
If you don’t believe in a God, fine. Every time a theist brings up God, subtly roll your eyes at the comment, don’t draw any more attention to the comment, and move on.
I wander why “theists” always postulate that complicated structures must have been created by one great God. Why couldn´t it have been a team of smaller gods ? Almost all complicated devices like an android phone are created by lots of people working together.
And still, if our world is a one-man-show – how can we know that this God is still alive and active ?
It’s not just that “theists postulate” but that mankind’s most significant experiences with the supernatural have revealed a God who says He is One. This is the foundation of all MONOtheistic religions, and found throughout their scripture. The first of the Ten Commandments includes “I am the Lord your God … You shall have no other gods before me.” Deuteronomy 6:4 proclaims, “Hear, O Israel: The LORD our God, the LORD is one.” Jesus affirms this as the most important commandment in Mark 12:29. Mohammed brings the same message. As to knowing that God is alive and active, ask those who follow Him in faith for the evidence in their own lives. We each must seek God to know the reality of that experience on a personal level, but as Jesus said in Matthew 7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” That’s how you can know.
Thank you for your ”religious” proof of God´s existence. But my concern was something else – the lack of logic in the argument that there must be just one almighty creator, God, because of the tremendous complexity of living material. At least, I don´t see the logic. To believe or not to believe in God is quite another issue.
Good point. You’re quite right that life has tremendous complexity, and the existence of more than one Creator in the creation process is certainly a logical possibility. To extrapolate on your example on lots of people working together on human projects, there’s most often one person who is the visionary, the driving creative force or at least the decision maker when options or conflicts are encountered in the process. Lots of people were involved in bringing the iPhone to reality, but most would acknowledge that Steve Jobs’s role was not that of just one of many humans on the team. From a logical and a spiritual perspective, we would be created in the image of our Creator(s) and would likely function in many of the same ways.
To answer the simple question of why there could not be a team of Gods working together, I will have to use some simple logic and observation. The team that you speak of that is doing that android phone is also under the supervision and order of someone who is calling the shots above them. They are simply not at liberty to design whatever they have in mind. Someone above them makes the choice of what is done and what should not be done in that phone creation. Are they creating the phone? Yes definitely but they are following the design of someone who has approved of already. which makes them workers rather than creators because they simply do not have that freedom that a creator has. Now, let us assume that the people above them are also a group of people sitting at the higher rank possible in the company ( which is mostly the case). You would say that my argument is not valid because of that fact and I totally agree with you in that particular aspect. However, my question to you will be:” how perfect and sophisticated this android phone is?”. If you are comparing a simple phone that ultimately is not perfect and much less sophisticated than the universe itself, I would humbly say that the comparison itself is wrong from the beginning. Also, you cannot have more than one supreme being or what our friends here call God because ultimately you cannot have many people or Gods to call the shots. And the best example that you can get is the Greek Gods in the mythology. it is all chaotic as one God gets angry at another God and engages into a war with and how those Gods break the rules to do whatever they want. That is why to achieve the universe sophistication and perfection, there cannot be more than one supreme being or God.
Good words.
People is just giving their opinion. Pointing that their opinion is wrong doesn’t make you better than them and your belief more true ?
It is amazing, I find rather the opposite. Put a muslin, a jewish, a catholic, Mormon etc or better still branches of a particular religious faith together and discover what would,could happen. Probably any intelligent human can debate, not so a believer who by definition has to defend his faith or stop believing. How unintelligent some times we humans are!!!!! Manuel
Why people like you, Perk Cartel, feel the need to push their opinions upon others’ beliefs using hateful sarcasm eludes me. Your statement proves nothing except that you do not actually think very deeply. Use that intricate brain of yours, silly human.
more on golden ratio Hidden Meta-codes in DNA and Genomes…–mastercode-of-biology-2153-0637-1000131.php?aid=55261
If I may, making the remark that saying ‘silly human’ makes it seem like you are thatof an extraterrestrial being.
I am in awe that people that use that logic think paintings paint themselves, buildings build themselves, programs program themselves and that DNA code codes itself. Life from non-life. The Universe came from nothing by nothing. No, that is truly amazing how utterly blindly faithful a person can be when he/she is so dead set on not surrendering their ego to their Creator. Your speck of a life in 14 billion years is worthless. That’s sad. No hope for you… worm food.
more here
Hmmmm, seems to me that if there is a Creator, and there is, then the Creator would be in complete control of It’s creation, including people who reject the idea of a Creator and those who don’t but reject those that do, as if there could be anything that is not sacred in a world created for It’s purpose. You see Creators purpose is not the same as ours and yet in not seeing we fulfill It’s seeing, through eyes that can’t. The blind allow that which is not to appreciate all It is. All of us do, for we are the created.
1 Corinthians 1:20 Where is the wise? where is the scribe? where is the disputer of this world? hath not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
HolyHacker, so what is the hope for people? Do you have the living FREE gift of God by faith alone in Jesus Christ? And if so, you should be telling others instead of calling them “worm food”.
With all due respect, the theory of your comment itself makes the arguement, and my part of it too, utterly indiscriminate.
Psalms 53:1 The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is none that doeth good.
If there were no God, which I believe that there is, then what is the purpose of life? Without God we have no purpose and when we die we are just gone and we might as well just all die because there is no real reason to keep living. In a world with no God, there is no point to go on living.
You may find your purpose in life is to serve your creator, whomever that may be, but that is not the case for others. People live their life trying to making meaning of why they’re here, and of their purpose, and that’s a beautiful thing. People try to test the boundaries of everything we now know as an interconnect world, with pathways to different dimensions, and things that connect people to others. I believe that gives a lot of people purpose in life; to test what we do, and know in society. I’m not saying that your view of the world is wrong, but I am saying that thinking in that way is a very pessimistic view, and doesn’t let you see all the opportunities that life, and the universe has to give you.
The story was born within us. We can hear it if we listen…
But so many of us listen only to our own story….
drowning out the one within, beyond our own mind chatter and imagination…..
Perk Cartel
So basically you’re saying that everything came from nothing… the old “Big Bang” story?
And if it all came from nothing – how do you explain the uncountable mass of the alleged Cosmos?
Either way – questions still remain – how can you be so black & white?
Personally, I choose to side with a Creator as the implications of “everything from nothing” just doesn’t make any sense to me at all.
Happy Days!
I don’t remember who said it, so I may be paraphrasing:
“If Jesus lived and is true, then nothing else matters. If Jesus did not, then nothing else matters.”
Simple and scary and true.
So it just happened at random? That takes more faith to believe.
Totally agree.
Just because someone doesn’t understand the science doesn’t mean that God did it.
That’s true, but then don’t we also have to distinguish between what is truly “science” and what is pure conjecture and rationalization to support a particular viewpoint? Science is based on empirical evidence, controlled testing, application reason to multiple hypotheses, mathematical analysis and many other disciplines. A viewpoint or conclusion that excludes God from the realm of possibilities is called atheism, not science.
Back to school for you, Perky one….. Read Gary Meisner’s post below yours and weep.
Bob Lenz, your amazement of God will soar even higher when you learn the FULL truth of what He did in designing and creating the shape of the DNA molecule.
Please watch this video …
God bless you…
And GOD said, “Zero To The Zero Power” and the universe was (and is) created.
I was just thinking the same thing! I think that the study of maths and sciences march hand-in-hand with theology and philosophy studies. We are beautifully and wonderfully made, knit in out mother’s womb!
Well probably reading stuff in the area of science and going to the comment section and typing that God is real isn’t the most intelligent thing in my opinion.
When you, and/or what other folks mean when they invoke God, speak the word God are your folks referring to the big bang and the resulting Nature or natural results? Or do you actually think there’s some sort of power, or supreme being which controls all that is? And might your answer be as succinct as my question?
Let’s look to the primary definition of the word God as defined by Merriam-Webster dictionary:
1: the supreme or ultimate reality: such as a) the Being perfect in power, wisdom, and goodness who is worshipped (as in Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Hinduism) as creator and ruler of the universe.
So most who speak of God are referring to their Creator, and see the universe and the life within it as the creation of the Creator.
Frankly, there’s nothing particularly “natural” about the constants of matter and energy that are so precisely tuned to allow life to exist, nor the incredibly sophisticated technologies of biological machinery found within each living cell. See
Actually God didn’t create it, it’s Creation’s doing, but you’re close.
Creation is neither male or female, it’s a neutral energy form. Every human being contains a sliver of Creation’s energy.
God is an imaginary deity created by mankind so we can shift responsibility of/from our own lives onto someone/something else. For example, “It’s in God’s hand”, or “It’s in God’s will”. No, it isn’t in God’s hand, it’s always been in your hands. Or, “it’s not in God’s will”, the situation was created via your own will.
But Sal, your statement that “God is an imaginary diety created by mankind” is just an opinion, with no evidence to support it.
So who or what then is this “Creation” that’s doing the creating??? And how can you make the case that our situation was created by our own will when none of us had anything to do with our own creation, or anything to do with the DNA that defines so much of who we are as unique individuals.
Isn’t is just as easy, logical and convincing to say that your godless view was created by mankind so we can have no responsibility or accountability for our own actions, even though we’re all endowed with a conscience that somehow is also a part of our making, of which we also had no input.
I think it’s interesting to be educated and honest about the DNA that defines the simplest of life, and ask whether it’s really reasonable to assume that it just came together on its own with no design or purpose. You might enjoy this video compilation that I together:
I was ever so pleased to find the coherent explanation regarding phi and the DNA structure. I am writing my fourth fiction novel nowadays and am looking for material about DNA to assist me with background to the story I’m creating.
Many thanks
Happy new year
The one who discovered the dna was a lsd taker. This one might help you
That interesting. What’s the series?
This is incredible. I can’t tell if this is the result of someone just picking a number and going around finding examples of it, or if it’s actually some weird
Revelation 21 is giving us a hint of the shape of the DNA.
Revelation 21
27 And there shall in no wise enter into it any thing that defileth, neither whatsoever worketh abomination, or maketh a lie: but they which are written in the Lamb’s book of life.
The book of life is the DNA, so it’s interesting that two Fibonacci numbers stand out in this chapter. The number of the chapter (21) and the number 144 in verse 17 are both Fibonacci numbers. The Fibonacci numbers form the Golden spiral or Phi spiral, which is the shape of the book of life.
17 And he measured the wall thereof, an hundred and forty and four cubits, according to the measure of a man, that is, of the angel.
The measure of a man is in Phi and angel could be an anagram for angle.
For the anagram:
Please consider that the Bible was not written in English and, at least in Greek, the two words in question are very different each other.
No…it was written in Hebrew the ULTIMATE Phi language! Every letter has a color, musical note, pictograph, number and action. This means that every letter has a frequency. It goes so much deeper than what is on the surface. The Designer, as in the fractals and in mathematics, is so amazing that in order to try to understand His magnificence and wrap our minds around His essence, we can only reduce Him.
This is so well said. Thank you and God’s blessings to you.
I agree. I still marvel though at the intricate beauty of the numbers…I do believe also there is evidence of Pi, Phi and the Fibonacci sequence in both the Old Testament (Pentateuch) and New Testament.
I wofer if thare as prevalent in other ancient texts…?
Hi, I am doing this project for Algebra to explain what the golden ratio has on life and I chose DNA. This site is very useful, and I didn’t have to use another source for information. I recommend this site to anyone and everyone.
i have a project on building a double helix DNA model, and it must be greater than 50 cm tall…. all of my materials must cost less than $10…. can any one help me out?
you are the greatest to world knowledge
Could you provide me a scientific reference for the DNA being 21 angstroms in diameter? I need this for my work and all of the material I have checked thus far states b-DNA is 20 angstroms in diameter. It would be greatly appreciated. As an aside, Watson & Crick state that the distance from the P atom to the center of the helix is 10 angstroms however it appears the distance between one of the O atoms and the P atom in the phosphodiester bond then you can add ~0.5 angstroms to each side of the helix.
A Google search shows many references to both 20 and 21 angstroms, with some about “about” as a qualifier. Your comment that the inner radius is 10 angstroms plus 0.5 to the outside (i.e., a diameter of 20 to 21) may explain both references.
No, the new testament was written in Greek.
if you belive in evolution u obviously dont care about statistics. The chances of everything coming from nothing are INFINITELY low. evolution is impossible
and if there could be, was, and/or is a god, and he-she/it was the progenitor of evolution? what then?
ad hoc. your statement is invalid.
God is our creator…god bless you
Bienvenue, Welcome Bienvenido … in my world of « NUMBERS in DNA and GENOMES » … Summary overview
Three strong publications overview:
Codon Populations in Single-stranded Whole … – The Shakedown
Codon Populations in Single-stranded Whole Human Genome DNA. Are Fractal and Fine-tuned by the Golden Ratio 1.618. Jean
Integers neural network systems (INNS) using resonance … – IEEE
Dr Jean-claude perez
Decoding non-coding Dna Codes: Human Genome Meta-Chromosomes …
Ref 2: Jean-claude Perez, L’ADN DECRYPTE (DNA DECODED), (1997) Marco Pietteur publishing (Resurgence collection) Embourg Belgium, ISBN 2-87211-017-8 (in french)
some other links :
Scientific article to NUMBERS in DNA and GENOMES…
2010 : « Interdisciplinary Science » (springer verlag) article :
Artificial Intelligence:
25 years ago, our artificial neural net “FRACTAL CHAOS” provides “déja vu” holographic like memory from a small 3×3 fractal chaos neurons: more in:
let us not withhold that the god understood by conventional theism is only a reflection-from-water. neither theists nor atheists are the wiser to whatever shadow they revere or reject, and the time for every lamentation or plea for attention (as it were for either aforementioned narrow view) is time ventured nowhere.
418. “Thou knowest not.”
That is why it is important that our theism be based on what God reveals to us rather than what we conceive with our diverse and very limited mortal minds. Jesus said in John 10:30 “I and the Father are one” and in John 14:7, “If you really know me, you will know my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.” Our human minds cannot embrace all that God is, but a faith that seeks knowledge of God is going to unveil more wisdom about God than one that rejects or denies Him. In Christ’s words in Matthew 7:7, “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Before being in awe people should take into account that this structure is certainly functionally optimal for that chemical structure, i.e. a physical necessity. There is no reason to assume that in principle the genes could not consist of entirely different chemical structures.
How many times do we read that, whatever the field of interest and its relationship to ‘phi’ we find ‘a close approximation’ to The Golden Section. Is it not possible that the mathematics of The Golden Section is not fully understood and that a formula awaits discovery as proof of absolute accuracy. Enoch Pray
If there is a creator then It obviously created those that reject it as well. By the grace of God, it cannot come as a surprise that there is a basic model that life reflects because this model is what can support life. The model has always been there and has made possible it”s recognition, same as creator.
Reply to Phil Hammond.
Regrettably, I do not understand your reply to my observations in respect of Phi. It may be that you misunderstood the content. Perhaps you would be kind enough to elucidate. Regards, Enoch Pray
I don’t believe that I was responding to your comment Enoch. Perhaps I did, but if so it was only in attempting to respond to another. My apologies, P
more in–mastercode-of-biology-2153-0637-1000131.php?aid=55261
Fibonacci numbers, the sequence they are, is one that builds upon what has come before. Each successive number is a product of what has come before and therefore also represents what will come after. The ratio of these successive numbers approximating and mirroring the golden ratio are the clue to the mechanism that is the process that has produced all life, a process that is both the means and the end, the way of conscious purpose. Our universe is a reflection of the perfect balance of the forces that comprise it. The electromagnetic, strong, weak and gravity forces are so finely tuned, so perfectly in concert, that the chances of this being coincidence are truly inconceivable. Even in a universe where there are 100 billion stars in a galaxy, and 100 billion galaxies in the ‘observable’ universe, the chances of two people picking the same star amongst all the stars available are better than the chance of these four primary forces being what they are to each other. The golden mean represents the balance that is our universe, a perfect concerted effort, for only perfection could create the effect that is the physical universe. That a sequence of numbers so closely approximates this perfection is worth taking note of. If we are open to understanding that our universe has consistently and unerringly moved from the most simple into the most complex, both the universe and life on planet Earth reflect this, we can also be open to the idea that life will reflect life, the same process mirrored within. Fibonacci numbers show us how that which exists only does so because of what has come before, and that which exists will contribute to everything to come. All the numbers are connected, as is everything in our universe, as is everything on this planet, regardless of time or order of existence. Connection is the key and this points to the most basic geometric figure, the circle. All is connected, all is necessary, all is the same just a different spot to be seen from. If all is connected then all is a part of one. Some may wish to see this as representative of a religious notion of Creator, yet Creator does not require this belief. Simply understanding, from studying the process, that all is connected can be enough because remember, all is connected, even two spots on the circle perfectly opposed only contribute to supporting the veracity that is the circle. Life is constantly revealing itself to itself and the golden ratio is but one more example, one we can recognize in this space and time.
First there was The One and nothing else 0 and 1
Next we called myself God and I who said it became another (man) 0, 1, and 1 more
To distinguish our-self as God The One we added to the man creating another 0, 1, 1, and 2
The infinite ratio of phi describes the exponentially expanding equation of divisible consciousness creating this individual illusion of life, death and God as someone other than ourselves.
If The One, is all there is and
there is nothing else that isn’t within The One…
Then I was all alone – so I started to dream of another – simply to experience being … to another.
As my dream grows, so do we evolve
To die is to wake up from this dream to ourselves – The One
If self destruction wakes us all up together, I will awaken to our true existence – to truly be everything is to be being nothing if there is nothing to be it to.
from silence … I speak I AM – 0,1,2
more here
I hope that someday all the intelligent work together using all the knowledge available.
In my opinion, if there is no God, then there is no point in life. You just live to pass away into dust, and life is meaningless. Also, how can a scientist explain that all of the sudden, out of nowhere, the world was suddenly created by random, and there just happened to be the perfect place for us to live, and we just somehow turned into ourselves over millions of years, and yet in the last thousands of years we haven changed at all.
The Divine Number , unlike Pi and unlike the theorem attributed to Pythagoras ( the accuracy of both are ‘cast in stone’ ) is no more than a close approximation in any mathematical sphere. The Fibonacci Sequence is glaringly inaccurate at the lower end of the scale. The D N A measurement of 34 x 21 angstroms is vague and further, the Divine Number, relative to the nautilus is questionable. Come on, Phil Hammond. Prove me wrong
The Divine Number, aka Golden Ratio, is an irrational number that is EXACTLY EQUAL to (the square root of 5 plus 1 ) divided by 2. There’s no “close approximation.” Like Pi, it has an infinite number of digits, so it is referred to by 1.618 for convenience and practicality, just like 3.14 is used for Pi.
The Fibonacci series is not “glaringly inaccurate.” It’s a series of numbers whose successive ratios CONVERGE on (gets closer and closer to) the Golden Ratio as the series progresses. This is a common mathematical occurrence, not an inaccuracy.
Yes, some measures of DNA say 34×21 while others say 34×20. More interestingly though, the DNA in the cell appears as a double-stranded helix referred to as B-DNA.This form of DNA has a two groove in its spirals, with a ratio of phi in the proportion of the major groove to the minor groove, or roughly 21 angstroms to 13 angstroms. So the golden ratio appears to be represented in two separate measures.
The relationship of the nautilus to the golden ratio is disputed because it doesn’t match a classic golden spiral based on a 90 degree rotation. A spiral that increases by the golden ratio every 180 degrees of rotation is a reasonably good representation of a nautilus. There’s a even more accurate approach discussed at
This is amazing. Personally, I don’t seek to have the creation of the universe answered as proof of divine intervention in our flawless mathematical design. Nonetheless, we should head warning about that which generates the sign of the beast: 666, DNA, the Fibonachi sequence, and the Golden Ratio seem to provide universal illusions that may lead to the justification of the creation of an artificial “beast” merely form peptide bonds and nucleic acid. -Food for thought & fuel for passion.
Do we have a creator … maybe
Is the creator good ….. not relevant for the creator itself.
Is the creator also our ruler … never (if so, he’s makes a mess of it)
Lots of good questions, no real answer. If. God exist why does not come down show himself
He is up there laughing, created so many questions and leaving some numbers as clue!
Have you ever thought about the fact that there is always something that we don’t know, but one day we will find out.
Everything has a reason, and must be built somehow,
There is no G O D.
And then again, maybe God has. Here’s another perspective from scripture:
Psalm 19: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world.”
Romans 1: “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse. For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools.”
If everything has a reason, it very well may have a purpose. If everything must be built somehow, it very well may have a builder.
And have you ever thought about the fact that there is always something that you don’t know, but one day we will find out?
There is a GOD, and in Luke 9 He says, “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”
Come on people. Jesus, every simple truth turns into a religious debate, it’s just the yin and yang of the universe, everything spins because of the positive and negative forces, the good and evil. It’s the magnetic force at the center of the universe that everything spins around, including other galaxies, planets, and our very own dna; it’s like we’re all in a giant vortex getting sucked in to finally meet our maker and he is pissed, he wants his stuff back. That’s not why I came here though, I was wondering about how successful stock traders make money, the ones who uses the Fibonacci Golden Ratio seems to do very well; it turns out; it’s written in our DNA, we all have it, who knew.
I agree with the duality of our reality, I think there is a correlation to light and dark, love and fear, positive and negative, to life and death, which is commonly generalized as yin and yang or good vs bad ect. And I believe the golden ratio represents and produces life and creation. This leads to the question, is there a negative or inverse ratio that infinatley destroys? If the golden ratio has to do with our creator, who is to say there is a sequence of numbers we have yet to discover regarding our annihilator whom may be revealed in occordance with this blackened ratio?
” Seek the truth and ye shall find it ” is another important reference – from the bible – and undoubtedly echoed by many respected religions and ancient philosophies . And each reference is no doubt as cherished to them as the 23rd Psalm, the Sermon on the Mount, or Corinthians 13: 13. might be to any Christian. Anyway – here we have at hand – while considering the Fibonacci numbers – an entire universe constantly evolving and changing – galaxies newly born and dying and probably great systems of life following what seem eternal principles – as in the Fibonacci sequence numbers which presently even match our own DNA and that of life on this planet – and perhaps our solar system and beyond? But since all is constantly evolving – someday – billions and billions of years from now – it is even possible that the Fibonacci mathematical calculations – based on nature and life as we know it here on earth and within the universe as we know it – might be slightly changed as well ? I see God as the physical laws of nature as we perceive them – in their most benevolent potential – to be thus interpreted for the good of all creation and especially for the sake of all caring, loving, thoughtful, and sentient beings – who perceive life as the sacred and profound miracle which it is. – and these have helped to create and make life possible for millions and millions of years. All these very humble creatures and beings – who share our resources – and loving interconnections and true intelligence- these are our salvation – and our reason for becoming the best we are capable of being ourselves. We are talking so many millions and millions of years – in search of bliss and happiness – and worthiness – as a part of this creation.
please read
Hi Susan. Thanks for the very deep and insightful perspective. Here are two thoughts for your consideration. As to Fibonacci “calculations” evolving, it’s not the mathematics that is based on nature as life. It’s nature and life that is based on mathematics. The Fibonacci sequence and the golden ratio have very unique properties that exist in mathematics, independent of nature and life ever existing. These unique properties do not change, so it is unlikely that they would “evolve,” or that nature would find a more optimal way to do what these numbers do.
I’m curious about your statement “I see God as the physical laws of nature [that exist] for the sake of all caring, loving, thoughtful, and sentient beings.” Rather than God being just physical laws, wouldn’t it make more sense if this God were also caring, loving, thoughtful and sentient? Why would God have less of these qualities than we do?
Susan, Just a heads up, planet earth has been here for 5,989 years right now, with 11 years to go till it reaches 6,000 years old. So no disrespect, but all this talk about millions and millions of years of life evolving, blah, blah, blah, is nothing but nonsense. Watch the 10 part series on YouTube entitled “2028 END OF THE WORLD” and you will have absolute proof planet Earth is only now approaching 6,000 years old, and when it reaches that age Feast of Trumpets 2028, Christ will return. Here’s part 1 of the series … God bless …
27 yers research on Phi and Fibonacci in DNA and genomes…
The Golden Ratio is in all life, now apply the Golden Rule to all life.
You folks talk of unseen deities, mythical concepts, and the unknowable, but do you even know this simple down to earth fact? Why are there vowels – A, E, I, O, & U? Humans are the only animal who use vowels. Vowels allow a human to change concepts in the brain as events take place, namely words from another human, like an old movie film being pull in front a bright light, section, after section, after section as the viewer is entertained while sipping a coke and eating popcorn.
As an example I use the word locomotion. lo – wonderment, surprise, amazement.
co – joint, mutual, common.
mo – a short period of time.
tion – action, condition.
To allow the brain to comprehend what is intended when the word locomotion is vibrated into air the vowel does not touch any part of the mouth or teeth and air flows out the lungs freely, unobstructed so the brain of both the speaker and the listener of the word can communicate. and keep up..
I wager that the vast majority of you folks did not know this very, very simplistic fact, which all of you accomplish thousands of times daily, yet you all have opinions about gods and deities.
It is impossible for anyone to have complete knowledge of everything, so not knowing a particular fact is not indicative of the validity of someone’s knowledge in other areas. Speaking for myself and many others, genuine faith in God is based on personal experience, study and reason, not just opinion. I wager that if you were to grow in the depth of your knowledge and experience of the spiritual side of life that you would find it to be at least as interesting and meaningful as your knowledge of human language patterns.
more and more on GOLDEN RATIO in DNA and Human Genome:
And this is exactly whay i have found.
Soul and Spirit: Do we have a choice?
If Phi does indeed prove the existence of god, then it also proves that the god of the bible does not exist.
By using the concept of phi which is intrinsically logic you’re only able to prove logic things, thus, making it unable to prove that the sayings of the bible, koran, torah are real , for they are full of inconsistencies and contradictions making them illogical by nature.
Before someone argues that we as limited humans are not able to fully comprehend the magnitude of god’s capacities, that would also mean that Phi, a concept graspable by us humans, is not enough of a proof for god’s existence, in the first place, making the argument itself invalid.
Phi also does not prove that god is only one being or that he’s omnipotent,
You’re opening statement is not valid, so it would follow logically that the conclusions that flow from it are invalid. Phi, the golden ratio, does not prove the existence of God. If you read and understand scripture, and the people whose lives it describes, you find a God who want us to come to Him in faith, not by proofs. We find scripture to be true when we find it revealing and illuminating the nature of God and humanity, and its relationship to Him. Scripture speaks mostly about relationships, not logical proofs.
Phi can not prove God exists. The Phi patterns are used consistently through out aspects of minerals, plants, animals, human construct, fingerprints, weather patterns, cosmos, Milky Way Galaxy, electromagnetic waves, Zero Point Energy, Torus Field Heart & Earth…I can go on & on. I do believe we are the microcosm to the macrocosm. As above, so below. When a creator, let’s utilize a painter for example. They typically carry the same style technique or themes but most importantly they always sign their name or leave a mark to identify they were the creator & owner of the masterpiece. In the same manner Phi is one of the many patterns God has left his mark on natures patterns. So those unbelievers could muse & begin to put the pieces to the great mystery together like a puzzle or a treasure hunt. Yet that alone can not prove God is real. Belief is a personal perspective based on knowledge, experience, cognitive coherence, how spiritual you are, etc. It would be as if you wanted me to prove what I dreamed of last night. I can’t because my consciousness/spirit were in a different realm. Same realm the Zero Point Energy, Astral Plane, dimension can only transport your spirit self not material self. Same realm your DNA is. Yet your RNA manifests in this realm. through the feedback loop. Counter-space. Time/Space & Space/Time. Jesus said he is not of this world. I myself have questions that can’t be proved like where do the things or people that get lost in the Bermuda Triangle or black holes go? But the synchronicities that I’ve received along with other supernatural experiences I had to ponder & the simple fact of educating myself on great wonders is sufficient proof for me that all this beauty has a perfect order & designer. I humble myself for everything God has given me that most take for granted like my heart beating on its own, my eyesight, breathing, and when you turn to him he will unveil you and illuminate you, but he can not be observed with human eyes. Your eye is the lamp of the body, once your eye (spiritual eye not physical eyes) because your physical can only sense the 5 senses, I’m speaking of your 3rd eye, spiritual eye can sense in the 6th dimension then you will have the mind of Christ – 1 Corinthians 2:16
More importantly, the true worshippers of God worship in spirit because God is spirit -John 4:23-24.
Unless you see signs & wonders you will never believe – John 4:48.
We walk by faith, not by sight – 2 Corinthians 5:7
Bless are those who have not seen him and yet believe – John 20:29
Seeing ain’t believing when the eyes can be deceiving reveal to me the answers cause I’m searching for the meaning
God created us to seek Him via any method including mathematics. My research (Quran and Prime Numbers) show as much. However, God says whatever conclusion you reach, God is still BIGGER that anything imaginable including infinity. This is the literal meaning of Allah Akbar.
Here is a sample from
The Quran has 114 chapters with chapter 57 The Iron consisting of 29 verses.
114 / 2 = 57
Median(1..57) = 29
57 * 29 = 1653
where the 16th prime number = 53
There are 16 prime numbers with prime digit sums up to 114
There are 53 composite numbers with composite digit sums up to 114
Furthermore, in the 114 verses-per-chapter of the Quran:
7, 286, 200, 176, 120, 165, 206, 75, 129, 109,
123, 111, 43, 52, 99, 128, 111, 110, 98, 135,
112, 78, 118, 64, 77, 227, 93, 88, 69, 60,
34, 30, 73, 54, 45, 83, 182, 88, 75, 85,
54, 53, 89, 59, 37, 35, 38, 29, 18, 45,
60, 49, 62, 55, 78, 96, 29, 22, 24, 13,
14, 11, 11, 18, 12, 12, 30, 52, 52, 44,
28, 28, 20, 56, 40, 31, 50, 40, 46, 42,
29, 19, 36, 25, 22, 17, 19, 26, 30, 20,
15, 21, 11, 8, 8, 19, 5, 8, 8, 11,
11, 8, 3, 9, 5, 4, 7, 3, 6, 3,
5, 4, 5, 6
There are 229 4-chapter groups with:
sum of the 4 chapters’ numbers = 229
sum of the 4 chapters’ verses = 229
Within these 229 groups:
There are 16 groups with word sum = prime with a prime digit sum
There are 53 groups with word sum = composite with a non-composite digit sum
All calculations can be verified using QuranLab which is part of the free open-source QuranCode software at
May God guide us to the Straight Path.
Allah Akbar == God >
Prof Prem raj Pushpakaran writes — let us celebrate 23rd November as Fibonacci Day!!!
The Golden number, sequence, etc. are all valid, but are only a small piece of the puzzle when considering the picture of who God is. I am a Doc of 35 years and I also teach on epigenetics and toy with trying to explain quantum physics..I wasn’t familiar with this present discussion about DNA and I find it fascinating. However, Science cannot explain God. It only confirms His majesty over all things. Faith not proofs is exactly right. We live in a four dimensional framework so our understanding is limited compared to what is. Quantum physicists of today claim to have identified 10-11 dimensions, 4 knowable and 6 unknowable with 1 more ( over all), Curiously, Hebrew kabbalists and scholar Nachmanides, in the 13th century was said to have come to the same conclusion (10 dimensions) just from his study of Genesis. The Bible is filled with quantum physics concepts related to God. And how about the undeniable and published math associated with equidistant letter sequencing found in the Bible, and the math science of Gematria. All this to say that there is a lot more going on. There is a saying, the New Testament is in the Old Testament concealed, The Old is in the New Testament revealed. Equidistant Letter Sequencing confirms this.. But none of this matters – you cannot prove God with science. It is a relationship that matters and it transcends all of science, although quantum physics steps on the threshold.
Mohamed . S. El Naschie
6:47 PM (0 minutes ago)
to Ahmad › bilder › file
Time Symmetry Breaking, Duality and Cantorian … – El Naschie
by MS EL NASCHIE – 1996 – Cited by 75 – Related articles
non-local and transfinite form referred to as Cantorian space-time by El … Finally, the idea of a preprogrammed DNA-like micro geometry was probably due to …
You’ve visited this page many times. Last visit: 13/08/19
I STATED THIS AS EARLY AS 1997 ie 23 years ago ………………………… but my name is mohamed ……………………
rence is best understood in terms of an informational interference of two slits correlated by a DNA-like transfinite (Cantorian) space [10]. Consequently wave collapse is a bifurcational instability similar to that of equation (10). REFERENCES 1. M.S. E1 Naschie and O.E. Roessler, Editors, Quantum mechanics and chaotic fractals, Special Issue of Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 4 (3) (1994). 2. L. Nottale, Fractals and the quantum theory of space-time, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 4, 5047-5117 (1989). 3. M.S. El Naschie, On dimensions of Cantor set related systems, Chaos, Solitons and Practals 3 (6), 675-685 (1993). 4. M.S. E1 Naschie, Orbits stability and dimensional criticality of Cantor sets, Appl. Math. Left. T (2), 91-94 (1994). 5. M.S. El Naschie, Statistical mechanics of multi-dimensional Cantor sets, Goedel theorem and quantum space-time, Journal of the Franklin Institute 330 (1), 199-211 (1993). 6. M.S. El Naschie, Multi-dimensional Cantor sets in classical and quantum mechanics, Chaos, Solitons and F~uctals 2 (2), 211-220 (1992). 7. M.S. E1 Naschie, Stress, Stability and Chaos, (in particular, Part IV, No. 21.8), pp. 620-639, McGraw Hill, London, (1990). 8. K. Wilson and J. Kogut, The renormalization group and the ~ expansion, Phys. Rev. C 12, 75-200 (1974). 9. J.L. Jonot, Some remarks on the Hausdorff dimension, In Fractals, (Edited by G. Cherbit), pp. 103-119, John Wiley, Chichester, (1991). 10. M.S. E1 Naschie, Quantum measurement, diffusion and potential Cantorian geodessics (to appear).
Since my undergraduate days studying physiology, physics, and chemistry It always seemed odd to me that the universe is proposed to come out of chance. Now post PhD in Immunity where I studied and published in cell protein signaling, discovering new mechanisms of the cells, and then specializing further in genetics and molecular biology I am convinced that this work of art and extreme sophistication could not have come by coincidence no matter which level is observed (organism, organ, cellular, molecular, or atomic). Only someone who studies this at the molecular level can truly begin to understand how complicated this is. Who ever designed this (God, super intelligent being, etc…) is the true definition knowledge of which we cannot comprehend.
Thank you, Dr. M., for your very astute and open-minded insights. I agree with your observations of the evidence and well-considered conclusions. In 2019, I compiled a series of video clips for presentation at a meeting with to help others see what you see, with your experience and expertise as a geneticist and microbiologist. When you truly understand what is really going on within every cell of your body, it is both awe-inspiring and mind-numbing to think of the mathematical probabilities of life coming together by any means other than by design by a purposeful, intelligent source. See
Any time, when I attempt to imagine the furthermost planets, and then even further and in all directions, into the seemingly endless darkness, further, further and further my brain seems to stall and I have to change my thinking, or else. What’s that? Jobie Steppe
PERHAPS life is an introduction process, say LIFE 101, where neurons posses an equal potential to create, say an energy awareness (equation) (ticket) into LIFE CLASS 102!?
So wonderful to join everyone. No time to follow all the discussion and see that is still in process from 2015
Now it’s months into a pandemic. My search is for discussion of Antoine Bechamo Louis Pasteur who unfortunately we’re not privy to DNA which is our only truly living molecule, and please forgive me if I have assigned an incorrect desriptor or definition
Virus only arises in the body when it cannot empty the dead trash of the body so the trash haulers are called in.
How can dead viral material infect the body?
Remember that Pasteur recanted his own work
Does 148 481, have a surten meaning and can it have something to do with DNA ?
I am a lay person with an intrest in 148 481.
Thank you for all your wonderful input on DNA and the Fibonacci sequence. I wonder why no one has mentioned the X-DNA inheritance path? Thank you in particular Gary, very insightful debate.
His/Her works are marvelous in our eyes. If the information in these articles don’t blow your mind, you haven’t quite understood it. As above, so below! 🔺🔻🔜♦️
Orthodox, Catholics, and Reformers, greetings in Jesus’ name. This is our “new” church dogma for the Wilderness Tabernacle from Exodus.
The East Gate Reconciliation:
God gave Moses three kinds of Pi on Mt. Sinai to build the Wilderness Tabernacle in 1440 BC. The East Gate is in perfect alignment with the Holy of Holies, Exodus 25.9. However, in 94 AD, a historian mistakenly portrayed the design of Herod’s Temple instead of the Wilderness Tabernacle. Thankfully, after two millennia, the blueprints from Exodus have been accurately interpreted.
A) Pi from Exodus 26
330 = Exodus 26.8 eleven curtains each 30 cubits long
15 = Exodus 26.12 one of the curtains is folded in half to 15 cubits long
– 1 = Exodus 26.13 curtain hang over/seams add up to 1 cubit long
= 314 cubits long
B) Pi from Exodus 27
3.14 = 314 circumference/100 diameter ≈ π ratio (100 cubit court per Exodus 27.9-18)
C) Pi from Exodus 38.13
c = 2 π r
History of π:
-(1680 BC) Babylonians 3.125
-(1650 BC) Egyptians 3.1605
-(1440 BC) Moses 3.141592653… Exodus 26 & 27 & 38 ≈ Pi
-(500 BC) Chinese 3.1415926 – 3.1415927
-(250 BC) Archimedes of Syracuse 3.1408 & 3.1429
*3.14 was an approximation for π in education before calculators in the late 1970s
1500 years later, Flavius Josephus that historian did NOT know that Exodus 26 & 27 & 38 approximated Pi. In 2 Kings they rediscovered the FORGOTTEN scriptures in Solomon’s Temple itself. 1 Kings 7 confirms they did NOT take advantage of this advanced tech. We lost Exodus ≈ Pi 3500 years ago on Mt. Nebo when Moses died, but now we have it back.
Religious or Non-Religious in good faith utilize the scientific method and maintain consistent hermeneutics in proving these blueprints. We thank our Father that the East Gate orientation has been reconciled to the Holy of Holies.
A) Exodus 26.13 ≈ 3.14
B) Exodus 27.18 ≈ 3.14
C) Exodus 38.13 ≈ 3.14