Phi appears in the Solar System and The Universe.
From the distances between the planets, to the structure of Saturn’s rings to the shape of the Universe itself, phi is found again and again in different manifestations.
New findings reveal that the universe itself is in the shape of a dodecahedron, a twelve-sided geometric solid with pentagon faces, all based on phi.
Saturn’s magnificent rings show a division at a golden section of the width of the rings.
Curiously, even the relative distances of the ten planets and the largest asteroid average to phi.
There’s even an unusual energy source at the frequency of phi that is found in the universe.
Explore these appearances in more detail in this section.
the theory of the divine proportion is definitely most fascinating and one of the most astonishing discovery made as the scientists suddenly stumbled upon this phenomenon.seems like they found,fortunately by a mere chance,the proportion used by god to design the entire universe and its components and a ravishing discovery as for the athiests!
As an astute atheist i’ve found that any attraction, whether it be by means of a magnetic field or by chance of water draining down a hole in the earth, will in fact over time decree change for opportunity of the phi ratio to occur. 10,000 stars that are all electrically attracted to each other because of the charge of protons and electrons will always have the probability of distance between each other for this perpetual ratio to occur. This is the key to life, not invisible people. Lets put it into scale…. Is it that hard to believe that a collective of 100 grains of sand set under pressure with a 161 slightly different granuals will make a new kind of stone?
If Phi appeared in life with the same frequency as all other numbers then it would certainly be logical to attribute it to simple probability. That, however, is not the case, as Phi appears pervasively throughout the design of life, particularly in the proportions of the human form. “Astute” is defined as “of keen penetration or discernment” or “wise, clever, intelligent, judicious.” How does true wisdom and discernment lead one to be an atheist? Can any human possibly have enough knowledge, experience or evidence to that determine that God does not exist? We each have but a handful of decades of life experience against the billions of years that the universe has existed. We haven’t walked in the shoes of countless others who have experienced the most spiritual side of human existence. We have a three pound brain that is quite limited in its perceptions of the universe around us. Our understandings of genetics, cosmology and quantum mechanics are in their relative infancy and may look as naive 500 years from now as man’s knowledge of 500 years ago. Shouldn’t wisdom and discernment bring one to a humble realization of how little we really know, and how much we have to learn?
Well put! I couldn’t have worded that better and i whole-heartedly agree. The more i learn about these types of truths (pi, phi, golden mean, physics) the more I feel humbled by the perfection and GENIOUS behind organics in our dimension. Self-organized and flawless.
joe thomas
I love it. It is so clear now! Why are we all sitting around with our thumbs up our #!!&! instead of celebrating and announcing to all who still doubt that the universe is indeed an intelligent being! DON’T BE AFRAID!
That’s one interpretation, but perhaps limited in its view. Suppose you saw a formation of rock, a sculpture and concluded that it reflected purposeful, intelligent design. Would you then conclude that the sculpture was “indeed an intelligent being?” Not likely. You would recognize that the sculpture was a creation of an intelligent being. Who knows. Maybe the universe itself is a life form, but all monotheistic religions are based on the belief in the eternal God who created the universe, and reveals Himself through the universe, not a God who is confined by the temporal boundaries of this universe.
I wonder what this has to do with astroseismology and finding class M planets…
thank God I’ve found this site. thanks Mr. Gary, as a Math teacher and a creationist person, it’s very important to understand how marvelous our God is through this topic. I hope i can teach it to my student correctly so they can understand that universe was created by God. may I ask your help to realize it? God bless you.
why is it humans have to satisfy their unique curiosity about things they can’t comprehend with an all-inclusive answer called “God” ?
This is not my experience. God is not an “all-inclusive answer” for things I can’t comprehend. God is a person, the Creator and Lord whom I have come to know through a variety of personal experiences that cannot rationally be explained away as coincidence. Jesus said in Matthew 7:7, “”Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” If you haven’t truly reached out to God you have no basis to deny that experiencing His response to you in a personal way is very real.
Religion is just a means to keep societies stabilized and in control. People need faith in order to keep them in line and fear to make sure they don’t step out of line.
With all due respect, that is very narrow view that focuses on the worst of religion as an institution and ignores the depth and meaning of spirituality as a personal experience. It’s like panning marriage without ever personally experiencing love, simply because some people have bad marriages and divorce. There’s more there than you know. Seek and you will find.
Any examples on interior design of a bedroom living room or hotel lobby in terms of room layouts or wall paintings on golden proportion-phi.
I find very interesting your idea about the relationship between phi and cosmology. In the website , I explain my thoughts on the relationship between God and the Universe. I also indicates the golden ratio (divine proportion) between dark energy, dark matter, baryonic matter and God.
Well, of course there is a correlation between the fine structure constant 1/137 and the most profound and prevalent angle that exists in nature 137.5 degrees.
It is simple;
Matter may only manifest from order, thus require a pattern.
Perfect nesting, perfect embedding, perfect compression, is only achievable with the golden ratio pattern.
Constructive wave interference.